Chapter 7 - For a new tomorrow

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After his visit with his sister the admiral would soon enough make sure that the people knew of the coming meeting. One to discuss the latest series of events and even to discuss their plans for the future to come. As he knew that the crew was shaken for better or worse and they needed to ensure that they would never fall into chaos and destruction. As soon enough the people would emerge from the doors. Some were people from the convoy and leaders on their own right yet ones that kept the settlers calm. In a way it was his counterpart Maria who was the representative of the settlers at large. As it was her title was chosen being that of her charm and wit as she had been able to gather needed people for the expedition and hence, why most of the people here were trained and capable. 

The best of what they could muster. With some hailing from the mountains from the Ifugao tribes which were able to still survive who were key in establishing the farming sectors due to their capabilities of even keeping the Banaue rice terraces still able to produce rice despite the end of the world. Being the only ones that could still be able to produce food despite the end of all of it.

Along with the Badjao the sea nomads who offered their people as marines and fishermen knowing that life on the seas might be vital and needed. People that could transverse the waters with little to no gear and even now were vital in cataloguing the strange but, fascinating fauna and flora that they saw. As it was they were the people that encompasses most of the crew due to their adaptation towards sea life.   

"Admiral." She spoke hailing and bowing towards their benefactor. "How is the situation?" She asked as they moved away from the doors to prevent any unwanted listeners. "Stable and with no sign of the entity that welcomed us." He spoke out with a worried look. As his eyes was serious and from the looks of his body movement told her that he was as lost as she was. "Welcomed us?" She asked knowing that it quite the sentence to came. As the woman would ponder before sighing knowing that the people were at ease and they already encountered plenty of odd things in return. 

"We been seeing strange creatures follow our vessels." She spoke out knowing that this resulted in them having to position marines to keep watch and ensure their survival. "Yes the fauna of Exodus is odd but, as I've had no reports of injuries and deaths I would assume that they are quite safe?" he added to which she would looked at him with uncertainty in her eyes. "One of the fishermen had tamed one of the things we call the Kris tooth as it had been following us and even waited for the fisherman's orders to feed." She muttered as she knew that the others were easing up to it yet the marines were keeping watch on the thing.  

"My people had examined the creature and from the looks of it the creature does not have any visual apparatus but, its sense of hearing is unparallelly." She continued on as like the military they had their experts as well to ensure that they won't have any problems with research priorities for the duration of the voyage towards a suitable position for colonization. "the fisherman had gone to dives with the creature which allowed him to catch odd creatures." She said as she was able to see a crab the size of a human and even plenty of other terrifying things. 

"We decided to call it Bubbles since one could always tell where it would surface from the large bubbles that form before its ascend. " She continued on making him nod as it reassuring that the creature despite its look was quite good and gentle. "Thanks for that I'll allow the taming of such creatures since it does allow our people to fish." He said knowing that such a creature might not just benefit their domestic affairs but, also that of their military ambitions in the future. 

"Its good to know that even in such a world there is some calm moments." She spoke out as she looked at him as she felt quite secured about it. "For now I will speak with the marines and tell them that Bubbles will be protected and seen as a part of our expedition." He spoke out making her cheer up. "For now for the main topic at hand what is the situation?" She asked in return as her smile turn to that of a serious look as she waited for his explanation. One of which he explained to her in great detail and allowing her to know that the situation was odd but, not that problematic. "If what you say is true then know that we are lucky to have the blessing of this leviathan." She spoke out knowing that the creature was simply breath-taking. 

Tamaraw ExodusOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora