Chapter 36 - Burning ten

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After days since the departure of most of the young that most if not all of the inhabitants of the frontier city had finally steeled themselves for the coming siege as if fated by their gods the scouts had returned and with them news of the coming army. Those that rode massive iron carriages that carried several of them all at once while large iron beasts kept there convoys safe from any ambushes. Creatures that if peppered with arrows still fought on like undying monsters that spew from them a fury of lead one of which Jasmine had called as bullets at that. 

Thought they spew forth something else as she called shells ones that could blow there walls with ease but, she did say to not feign for that was why they placed the mines upfront which were perfect to deal with such things. Still as they continued to bolster their defences and make ready for a siege a group of ten was looking from a distance at the coming iron legion. One that seem to no longer need swords but, the guns that was only reserved to their elites a fact which was evident when Captain Saya would take out her helm revealing a large horsewoman whom studied their enemies well as she gripped her spear and took out her heavy armor knowing full well that it would only slow them down. 

As she would look at the other unlucky souls like her whom knew too well that they were not going to survive fleeing from such things. As ironically the large paths that they usually used and maintained had become their downfall as a line of iron wagons went in and used the roads with ease. Speeding into them with ease and showing no signs of stopping yet they were quite result as out of the four angittay under her control she did have five tikbalang marksman whom wielded their great bows. One that had proven to have penetrated the beasts yet despite the depth of their arrows they still roared and continued on smiting all those unfortunate enough to meet its rod of death. 

As such they knew of what awaits them especially when they had opted to fight for the last city. To make sure that their kids stayed alive and well along with getting revenge for those that had fallen as a result of this forsaken war. As despite the orders to retreat the ten looked on one another and had prepared to do their best to ensure that they could bring their master valuable time. As she prepared herself as she strapped a few pots to her side knowing that they did come to know a weakness of the iron beasts. Namely when one of their own rammed themselves onto the hood of the thing which drew a milky smoke from it though it ended with them being run over the warrior had taken out them with just their body alone. 

"Brothers and sisters... We stand here at the crossroads.. Facing a force that took out hundreds of our best and left ruin and desolation to all that we loved... Yet we do not stand here because of rage, wrath nor fear of the monsters of the sea but, because we love that are before us." She replied knowing that in the end they seek to give time when there was none to receive. 

"Brothers and sisters let us prepare." She spoke out before her brothers in arms raised their hands and swung hitting the large trees to the sides. Which due to the already chopped sides that it started to lean. On which Saya would wrap a rope around her form before pulling sending the massive wood towards the road and blocking the road and soon enough causing the others to do so as well. As they chopped and gotten ready as they worked the trees around them with those that did not swung poured pitch around the trees that still stood creating a howling mist as the woods seem to crackle a terrifying roar as if the slain had finally come to life to exact their revenge on the defilers that came to their homes. 

Of course it was only the ten of them here as Saya and the rest prepared for the siege to come as they set down a total of 27 trees all blocking the road while also filling up a total of eleven trees all of which burned from within creating a mist that was covered the ambush site. As with that done the ten would huddle as they prepared for the attack. "I'm glad that I'm surrounded by you all." She spoke out knowing that they too did feel the same way. 

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