Chapter 17 - Landfall

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With the ship continuing to run its fuel to the very end in order to get to land. As Tuskus spoke that land was near as he was looking at the horizon as if he was reading the skies and the waters in a way that no one else could. 

"You better be right or else we'll be making you into oil later." Jazzy said as he was looking at the reserves and saw that this was a hail mary at best but, in an odd way he did come to trust him knowing that they would have died plenty of times to the odd nature of this world. Of course he did kept his chain short and made sure that if they went on to see a massive fortress that they would be hitting it hard and capture it. 

"Yeah the oceans will soon become the seas and you shall land on your new home." he spoke out as just like that they could see the evidence of life and that was the multitude of sea stacks which were covered with plant life. Once rooted within as if marking the start of a new region while beneath the waves was a world full of water as even above the waves they saw the multitude of life beneath. 

As they were greeted by a colourful world as thousands of different corals greeted them with each of them hosting a multitude of species of different sizes and appearances thought the ocean was still as deep as before they soon enough saw the abyss far from the endless darkness that it was before. instead they saw a spiral of colours all of which growing brighter then the ones closer to the surface. 

With many of the fleet looking downwards at the vibrant abyss with clear amazement as they were all too glad and happy about how all of this had come to be. "The gods look on with clear interest admiral these lands are full of life." He spoke out as he pointed out as from the horizon a faint sight became evident as they went closer. As Jazzy looked on before he gotten the call. "I see.. Land." One of his guards spoke as his voice was filled with excitement. "Its land.. Finally." A series of cheers emanated from the top of their bridge as they were excited as they peeked at their binoculars. 

"Told you admiral." Tuskus said as he and the others saw the vibrant see continue on. As many more sea stacks sprout all across the animated waters as schools of fishes continued on to move with some of them meeting an untimely death as they met the massive propellers. This in return got Jazzy to respond in kind as he opened the PA of the ship as he made everyone ready for what was to come. "Attention everyone land has been spotted and I want everyone ready. Knowing that this world is full of creatures hostile or not I want all hands ready." he announced with many of them all too happy and eager for what was to come. As small vessels were fueling up all of which was tasked in making sure that they have a secured beach head. As small patrol vessels were getting ready to set out while larger ones were there to ship in supplies from that of the mother ship and towards the recon whose job was to survey the lands for dangers, resources and most of all a promising place to set up a FOB on which all colonial endeavours can be supported. 

One of which they practises around their old homeland as they waited the signal from command. With their commander up and ready with his gear accounted and ready for what was about to happen. As the 98 marines were now up and eager to fulfill their roles as they suited up and were preparing the briefing from their commander. "The big day's here and such its our time to prove our worth marines!" He declared as they all let out their own replies one ranging from cries of congratulations to ones just letting out a swift shout. 

"Now while we are excited know your first directive which is to survive since I'm going to beat you up in the after life if anyone of you dies doing some idiotic thing out there, namely our goals are to land, survey the landing zone for threats, complications, and most of all resources be that food, water iron or anything that would help serve the colony. Next we secure not just the landing site but, everything around it report in caves, sinkholes and be prepared as the plan been shot to pieces but, the goal is still the same we dig in and we build up." He spoke out making them all nod as they let out a audible grunt to show their acceptance of the mission. "Good everyone grab a shovel, I want groups of four and the rest with me." He spoke out as they were ready with all of them were excited to see the land and start their new life within this strange new world. 

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