Chapter 16 - Fish Flight

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With the materials pouring in and the need for a new engine that the engineering centre was quite busy with activity. As dozens of engineers were working their best to give the fleet what it needed while they invested their resources in a new engine that would work with the available resources in order to replace their failing systems as due to the new complications and the odd nature of this world. As the engines were also starting to run dry as the fuel had been used up trying to survive the fertile seas. 

As such they needed to either make this new engine or find land for them. With the engine being vital for the foundations. One being the use of power tools and the creation of tools and materials needed for the creation of the initial buildings which included the main centre, Security hub, production sites, farms, and residential buildings needed to house the colonist. With this yielding to the stress of the engineering centre where Robin and her engineers were working day in and day out trying to create the engine to help out with the energy woes. 

One that yielded to many failures and discoveries about the crystals along their nature in return. As the hydrostones was a unique resource that once hit or dealt a sufficient enough blow would fire forth a torrent of water in what would be a naturally occurring pressure sprayer which contributed to the odd anomalies that this world offers along with the strange fauna and flora that they found out. Coupled with tubing and pipes that will guide the resulting torrent straight towards the turbines which will spin and generate the electric current that will power the connected device in question. 

As they hurried to the safe zones which they hunker down and powered it up as they inputted the power source and soon enough had the stone be hammered by an internal hammer which started to intensified the water pressure and soon enough had them see that turbine would continue to go faster and faster with the tester starting to register a steady current which started to charge one of the spared tablets which made them cheer out from the safety of their plexiglass shields as the engine didn't explode nor did the water pressure had carved a hole into the engine as the water iron material had held up and kept itself safe and sound.

While the tester had come to show and reveal their hopes as the charger was able to charge to the amazement and excitement of all as they soon enough fired it down and letting them have the chance to celebrate this victory. "We did it!" One of them yelled out as the bags that had claimed their faces were rewarded with the very first engine that the expedition had made. While it barely held a candle to the gas engines that they had come used to along with the solar panels that dominated most of the fleet's surface. All of which had been used to run everything with the massive engines being there to fire up the engines that kept them on the move along with the essential facilities being operational as well like that of their department. As such with this yielding progress that they would post just infront of the engine and take pictures with it. As they just made a significant progress as the thing was functioning as it generated enough electricity to charge the tablet for 5 percent. 

"Finally we have results." Spoke out by that of Robin as she was quite tired herself and ready to collapse any minute but, muster up the strength to come towards them who was just like her tired and eager to sleep and rest up. "We did it the first human made engine in this new world which uses the materials that is harvested and taken from our environment. "She spoke out as she was glad to know that the mana engine was working one that she term after seeing the magical way that their stones were working. "While its usage is small the effects of this is clear and that is we discovered a new energy source. Know that this does not mean that its done no far from it now its time to refine and make it better which will likely make us busy to no end and such from now on I will be implementing shifts and the creation of work groups." She spoke out making them all nod knowing too well that they destroy their sleep schedules and were more stressed then usual because of being overwork.

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