Chapter 30 - Port city of Hausen

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As the main population was dealing with the first crisis that they suffered another group had just arrived at another part of the continent. All in search of materials and even more so another power source that they could use to keep the colony growing and able. As soon enough they would see a strange land different from the one they landed on. One that was lush with strong of artificial shapes and sizes. With trees growing on top of them as if one had made them as such likely for aesthetic or a ritualistic reason. Yet as they landed Tuskus would see the tell tale signs of conflict as stewed weapons were laid about along with broken tools all scattered around them.

Yet for him he could not identify who they came from but, as he said he would soon enough see Robin quite interested on what they were finding not knowing what they were but, they were things that likely the inhabitants of this land had likely used for daily life knowing that they were prolific and likely were too numerous just to be used for self defence. Yet before Tuskus said anything he would already hear feel something hard and more so deadly. "I don't know where you took us but, if its a trap I'll make sure that you die first." Spoke June who was far from eager to be tricked by him which only made him sigh as he placed his hands on the air.

"I do not know these people nor what they are but, the winds took us here to tell us something it." He spoke out knowing that June was quite paranoid knowing that her friends are with someone like him. "Make sure or else." She spoke out as she went back to check on things knowing that Jasmine was keeping an eye on the navigator while she went on to guard the engineer knowing that their mission was vital.

Thought this made the navigator worried both due to external and internal reason he did know that they will always have fiction knowing enough that Jasmine was injured and almost died by the hands of his people. "Robin its too dangerous." Spoke out by June who was already eager to pull her out of there yet as it was they would hear something along one of the wrecked crates. A small grunt that made the engineer look towards Tuskus who would only nod and soon enough go towards the boxes revealing a small hooved creature. One of which had the upper part of a humanoid like them but, the body of a deer for its lower body. In a way judging from the creature's body in contrast to that of the others lying on the ground that they were ambushed worse yet was the wounds that they had which was clearly gun shot wounds.

One that Robin saw and right ahead cursed at the fact that they didn't bring along a medic. Yet before she could think Tuskus would stick his thumb towards the wound before he asked for gauzes. "Its a clear shot so there isn't much we can do here." He added before Jasmine came in and gave him one of the rolls before pushing it into the calfs body preventing her from losing too much blood. Making it scream in utter pain as he push the bandages deeper into its wound. Stabilizing it to a point yet having him to apply some bandages to keep it from opening up again. As the man used his hands with great efficiency while treat the calf.

"They were ambushed." He spoke out as Robin would nod while the other two continued to take guard as they tried to find others while keeping watch of what was happening. As the blood was fresh and with the others dead she knew too well that it was a one sided slaughter. "This could be done by humans right?" She asked Jasmine as she took the time to look at the bodies seeing that all of them had bullet holes in them and it was clear that some of them had surrendered yet had bullet holes in their temples showing that the ones that did it wanted no survivors from this convoy. A brutal way of life meaning that this group of humans were quite desperate to resort to banditry or had lost all cohesion and unity after landing near these isles.

Yet while she tried to figure it out Tuskus would call out after wrapping the young one's wounds and opted to find a place where they could keep her safe. Seeing as the coastal route seems to be the territories of these bandits. "I suggest that we keep her in the boat for now." He spoke out knowing that they needed to depart quickly knowing that these hostile entities were quite dangerous since they have something akin to a gun or if they have one. Yet the fact that their navigator acted quickly as if he knew how to treat a gunshot made the three suspicious. Knowing that he seem to be a man of a great many talents seems to be docile enough to keep his place as a navigator.

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