Chapter 40 - Siege of Hausen part 1

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As while the children had gotten towards safe refugees the parents were preparing more with ease passing day. As word of the burning ten's barricade had been cleared with a small detachment it was clear that the war  had fallen into that of attrition as the humans had adapted to the many raids of the hausen defenders. Bogging down and slowing the inevitable as word of strange war machines were starting to ring out towards the defenders of the last city. Yet it was not as if the invaders were the only ones to bring in new weapons of war into the foil but, soon enough under the help of the engineer and the many artisans of the city that they were able to create something of their own from the scraps and limited resources that they had. 

Namely it would bring forth the so called bolters namely an mobile war sled that employs two personnel. One using the hauling capabilities of an anggintay and the sharp eyes and powerful bodies of the tikbalang at that. Using both sexes to create a war wagon on which they could use the speed and hauling power of the species. While a large crossbow was placed on top giving the tikbalang piercing capabilities and most of all the ability to see all around it making it capable of picking the best targets while the haulers was gallop with ease as they were surrounded with thick wooden plates giving them enough protection from their sides. 

Of course it was not perfect but, as a quick scouting vehicle it gets the job done. As the wooden hull gave the hauler some semblance of protection albeit sacrificing speed due to the weight increase. Yet the most vital part was the small ballista ontop of it which if staffed with an effective sharpshooter would be able to snipe vital targets from a distance. "Its more of a towed artillery." One of the soldiers spoke knowing that even if they could fire on the run the fact of the problem was that one could easily miss due to the lack of suspensions and all. 

"But, it would be a good way for us to tow our heavy equipment in a short amount of time." One of the artisans spoke in return making Robin nod knowing that in the end those that will be using the equipment was the one that will give them the most valuable insight. "Noted care to give me a demonstation?" She asked as she saw him nod before they wheeled the contraption into a fixed spot and soon enough have the puller to soon enough escape from the vehicle. Which soon enough went on to take their bow ready to protect the nearby location while her companion would move to turn the massive weapon towards the target and aimed. 

"I see if you place it far it could be a accurate sniping point." She said as she looked on as he fired sending a massive bolt which hit the target's side which was enough to deal an deadly blow to their enemies. "I see." She replied as she noted it down on her tablet which was now starting to run out of battery after having to rely on her solar charging station for so long and the coming rain storms. All the while the user of the weapon would extend his hand to a nearby quiver to pull out a large wooden point. 

"Shatter point loading." He repeated before placing it on the bow and fired with ease and with enough speed to make him be able to last long without taxing him. "Clear!" One of the instructors spoke making the others move away enough to get from getting hit. As when it was all clear the demonstrator would release the trigger making a sharp ring as the arrow flew and with it smash into on of the mock iron hulls that symbolizes the vehicles that their enemies field which soon enough shattered into plenty of splinters that soon enough showered the nearby area with a wooden shower. 

"Seems like it work." She spoke out knowing that the wooden bolts were easy to manufacture due to how used these people were in carving. While the iron bolts were quite good in pierces tanks or taking out officers from range. Of course she would see the new experimental tar bolts. Which were the tricky and more harder to use ones to make but, after seeing how effective it was made her try to emulate it to something easier to make. Yet for now after placing a circular pots that were scattered all across the city that they were able to create a bolt that was not too top heavy that it would make it too inaccurate that it won't hit its target.

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