Chapter 28 - Antivenom

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Within the caverns of the forest base a hectic situation was now in place. As hearing of the influx of injured people and the severity of their situation several if not all available medical personnel were called into ensure that the marines could be saved or prevented from being maimed. As such even the civilian nurses and the staff at the Tamaraw was sent out all in making sure that they were all safe and secured. As the moans and groans of many of the marines echoed all around the hollowed base. With part of the nesting site was already refurbished as a medical centre as Gabriella shouted out her orders all in making sure that they were running an effective service to the wounded marines. 

"Hold him tightly!" She yelled out as he was gotten the necrosis tissue on his arm removed as she sliced and carefully extracted much of the infected and dead tissue which made her sigh. Knowing that the venom must have been potent if it was already eating up their flesh to this extend. Much worse was the fact that the anti venom was barely holding it back and is still highly ineffective at its current state but, at the same time she could see that their deity blessings was what keeps them alive making her grateful for the help of their new watchful god. Yet deep down she knew to fear its punishment since it can give miracles without much in reward then she knew that it could diss out disasters and crisis with just as equal measure.

Yet for now she did her best to scrape out the infected parts especially the ones that had necrotized. As while spiders could be deadly she never saw just how badly it could be to such an extend. Making her sigh knowing that they needed to do drastic measure in return. "Get to the werebats and inject them with the venom... If they don't die then we can extract antibodies later on." She replied knowing that they were going off too much but, they don't have much time. 

"Doc with all due respect.. We aren't doing that." Replied that of Alexa who barred one of the nurses with the syringes. "We don't nothing right with these creatures.. lets not start experimenting on them now." She replied she sighed. "These people will slowly die captain but, if you wanted to find me something that can survive this for more then a few hours and I won't mess with them but, you have two days." She replied as she went on back to taking out the necrotic tissue so that she could stich it all in preventing an infection or even more so the venom continuing to go worse. 

All the while Alexa would grab the syringe and soon enough called forth her people. "This isn't official work but, I'll be damn if I'm going to subject these creatures to any more pain.. They have their section and we have ours and as long as we honour it no one gets hurt." She before her men would look around them knowing that while they would have wanted to join in having a large number of men especially when the vinegar supply had started to run dry was dangerous hence three would step in after some talking. "Good the rest of you I want sentries out and make sure that the spiders won't surprise us." She replied before she would see Maya and Raya to come in suddenly. 

As despite the frantic nature of it all and how Gabriella was doing her utmost best to keep them all calm and focus on the task at hand. As they were doing their best to ensure that the commander's orders were followed to the letter. "Remember your training!" yell out Gabriella to the others as she saw how the others were starting to shake and break from the terror that all of this was shaping up to be. "Heard the mission and we might know of what could help us out." Spoke out by Raya knowing that their was a creature that they encountered that the spiders used a different method in order to hunt. 

Rather it was a massive creature and from the looks of it would be immune to the venom and could be used to create an antivirus that they could use. "I've spoken with the others but, know that its clear that this is a creature that should be resilient to the bites of the spiders and could be why the spiders adapted to it." replied that of Maya who was eager to hunt such a beast. "They are plenty and just now when we were escorting the last batch I've seen two of them nearby." replied by that of Raya who knew that they could get back in time. 

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