Chapter 34 - The huntress

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"Kai has been hounding us far too much don't you agree?" Spoke out by one of the pirates as they moved along within the jungle fauna. All in trying to learn if indeed the idiot that was in charge of eradicating the last vestige of their enemies had indeed fallen. "Its a deserter plain and simple and now we are here forced to trek here." Spoke out by one of them whom was more so tired of the musk that was already around him. Yet the small squad of three would soon enough hear a rustling from nearby opting the three to brace as they raised their guns towards the place where the sound originated from. 

Only to see one of the fauna emerge from the canopy. An Elk that had the body of a horse and twice that of its size. Magnificent and quite awe inspiring but, for the pirates it was a quite the source of food and meal vital to all of them and more. A fitting last imagine to see as Robin soon enough fired a bolt into one of them impaling and soon enough causing the man in question to soon enough fall deeper into the mud. "making one of them fire at where they thought the shots came out but, as the impaled man screamed out in pain that the two would soon enough panic as they tried to find the cause of such pain as large pincers emerged from the mud to the horror of the two that one of them turned their back to their assailant before having a bolt hit his throat which caused him to not be able to yell out its pain as he looked at his comrade who had fallen to the sides. 

"No.. I can't die like this." She spoke out as the crab emerged from the waters and soon enough started to savour its fresh new victim whose cries of pain was quite vivid and unending as bit by bit the create ate him. Its massive pinchers clamping down and dismembering him bit by bit. While the other was gasping for air as he slowly but, surely suffocate or die from the coming blood loss. "You don't want to suffer right?" Asked a voice from behind her as soon enough a hand would grab hold of her before she held a knife just from her throat. "Speak up or else.. I will likely make you suffer." She replied showing her that she had camped here just to hunt for them. 

Scouts and runners all in severing communications. While also making sure that the cables for telegraphs or their devices were cut or destroyed. A way in delaying the enemy as they slowly assembled and gotten their armies ready for what was to come. As large horsemen came in and picked up the weapons and gear that they could. While they ignore the pleads of the other who slowly died from his words quickly then the one that was soon enough dragged by the creature towards its murky depths. 

All the while she would drag the woman back towards her camp where she was to gather information from. Her voice muffled from the arm lock along with the knife just millimetres away from her throat. As she and her people came and soon enough started to clear the scene while leaving the two behind to the elements. Thought the soldier struggled she would eventually see herself in a holding cell where two others were held. While the others eventually retrieved the rigged crossbows who were remotely fired from a safe distance ensuring that even if they fired all of their bullets towards that direction that it would hit nothing more but, the trees all around them. 

Eventually she was piecing the truth bit by bit. Thought they had little to know knowledge of what truly happened the fact that a certain Kai was leading all of the people in here. "Your message from before had quite the impact it seems." Spoke one of the darker furred tikbalang who soon enough mullied at the papers while he saw her looking at her tablet as usual. "That thing that contained those strange symbols." He replied as he looked at it and nodded that he could not understand what was written but, from the mind map that he was making it seems that was quite similar in a way. 

From one focal point to many branching points all of which continued to go from one place to another housing various names, places, and so forth. A detailed map of the enemy that they were focusing in return. Yet as the prisoners groaned and demanded to get out it would seem that she would only nod as she connected a new bubble in return. "Yep Kai seems to be our main target for the time being." She replied knowing that this man had a connection to the infernal engine that she was planning on taking down. 

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