Chapter 6 - Fated Symbols

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With that the young admiral would soon enough wake up. Seeing a crumbling concrete room as he went out of his old wooden bed feeling the hard surface and the pillow that made his bed a little bit more comfortable for him. As he went on to get up only to see the cardboard bed that Robin had come to claim as her own as she let the two rest on their only bed. One of which existed on a time long since vanished in the past.

Thought as it so happened he couldn't do much before it soon enough started to shake. As the walls crumbled creating a series of symbols that he had never seen before. All the while it glowed a familiar hue as he looked on before they soon enough rushed towards him making him yell out as characters would form and their meaning would soon enough come to form and connect with one another as it blended within one another as it created meaning and sentences from them all before eventually everything turned to orange.

One that resulted in him getting back to what was before hand before the creature acted yet instead of a massive giant ocean beast they would see clear skies and most of all freedom. As the cheers from before soon enough turned to chatter as they wanted to confirm if the creature existed. "Am I going insane or did we see a monster?" He said as the crew would nod still just as shocked as they soon enough was washed with a whole multitude of emotions at that. 

"Status." He said making them nod as they followed his orders as they saw the world. The skies orange and filled with life as they marvelled with glee. As Carl looked on with great admiration but, saw no sun rather it was quite bright at that. "Odd." He said feeling quite unsure on what to make out of it as he signalled to his men to be vigilant knowing that they witness quite the massive creature and such he wanted them all to be vigilant and ready for what could happen. But, as he walked to where the entity was supposed to be all that he saw was a an bow with its body no where to be seen. 

As he looked at the waters infront of them only to see tiny shadows that were brushing against the hull only to disappear. Making him gesture to his men as he wanted them to get to him. "Go and make sure that the civvies are safe also tell them to be vigilant since we don't know if the fishes here are edible or safe." He ordered as he told his people to go in and start preparing as they gotten the MPAC to return to the tow as they prepared to conserve as much gas as they can while also making sure to get them all ready for what was to come. As marines soon enough descended towards the towed vessels as they ensured that no one was injured, missing, or have died after the entry.

As they looked at the waters with some even turning to spear fishing with some going into the water as was with one of the marines who was from the last existing indigenous tribes of the Philippine tribes after the end which were the Badjao tribe. People that were perfect for the upcoming marines due to their ability to swim and navigate the waters with minimum to no gear making them perfect for assaults within the oceans. 

Thought as he dived on deeper he could see that the waters were clears and the fishes were quite lively and quite numerous as he took aim before firing his spear gun taking in a circular fish that looks like a small sun fish one barely doing anything as it was pierced before he soon enough pulled it up to the delight of the people above as they had fishes around them which they could easily replenish their food stocks yet the calm would soon enough become looks of fear as they saw a large head bump on one of the boats and with that a man was looking on with horror as the creature head would emerge from the waters.

Revealing a creature with six eyes as it looked on around it more curious then hungry as the marines soon enough came in and started to aim at them as they instruct the man to leave his spear one that had the same circular fish behind which the creature soon enough came to take with speed taking the fish and cutting it up with its serrated teeth before descending making everyone look on with horror and admiration on the creature they called the Kris tooth. One that was mostly the sea gulls of this region and often more of a good luck to that of the fishermen despite how terrifying one could be. 

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