Chapter 39 - Foal's Ferry

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A few nautical miles from Sulten, the navigator has come back with dire news and information of a potential enemy off from a distant land back to the tamaraw. As when the first of the ships of the unknown fleet that the navigator would had rose a flag from his sides all in hopes of signalling to them of them being friendly one of which much of the officers were able to recognize as they sent out a few MPAC's towards them with much of the crew ready to counter any attack as they set out with their rifles on the ready for the worse. 

Turning the ship into a floating fortress as they prepared for boarding actions like before yet that was before they saw one of their own waving towards the from the deck of the closest ship. A curious sight when they saw the various centaur like creatures near her all of which had bows and spears on them but, it was clear that they didn't dare to draw their weapons as from the looks of it that this was not a war fleet but, one for getting a large number of people out and away a problematic area. As when the MPACs were here that soon enough they would be assisting the strange creatures that soon enough revealed themselves towards them. One of which had the bodies and heads of a horse yet towered against them with ease even with their added height. 

As June would soon enough flag towards one of the MPACs to whom soon enough moved towards them with speed as it soon enough landed just closely towards them in return. "Tell the colony that we have refugees." She shouted towards the captain whom nodded and soon enough pull her in while Tuskus would step out of the pilot's cabin whom breathe a sigh of relief. "We are back." he said with a sigh missing the massive iron vessel as the others would only look on at how one could make such a magnificent ship. "Tell them that royalty is here with us." He spoke out as Jazzy would soon enough look from on top of his vessel before looking at him and the ships. One of which his newly improved body would register to be 10 vessels strong but, one that mostly was done to cram in as much as they could before he descended downwards in return. 

A function of his ever growing abilities before he heard Adhika whisper towards him from their shared link. One that always surprised him but, not as much when he looked on and not seen any traces of his mother and the other guard he had assigned to him. Most of all was the fact that they don't have the boat that he had given them. "Tuskus you arrived earlier then I've expected." He spoke out as while he was happy that he came back with these people the fact of the matter was he assigned him to make sure that his mother would come back. "Warm welcome as always my kind admiral." he teased before he would sigh in return after his words. "We will." He spoke out before seeing two of the large horsemen to soon enough escort what seems to be their leader. One that seem to be an teen of the these creatures yet her ornaments dictated her title and rank from the way the two would keep their eyes close to him a hint of malice and most of all caution. 

"Are you the leader of these people?" She spoke out poise yet sickly as her pale complexion was quite evident in regards to all of this and more. "I am princess Urduja and your navigator and your people had come and saved me in my time of need." She spoke out as she bowed towards her. "Princess." he said before giving her a small bow as he was not poised with this level of elegance and even respect as he looked at her hoping that he does not disrespect her but, knowing that their deeds were quite notable that he knew that she would be more then forgiving with any thing that may seem disrespectful. 

"Yet forgive me admiral but, my people are in dire help... My people are facing extinction.. I am already the last of my royal bloodline and I have lost much of my wealth to reward you all even after this war." She said before he would shake his head before he looked towards the men that guarded her. "Your princess needs to be treated." He spoke out knowing that she had much in terms of bandages all over her body and it did become clear that she lacked the means to effectively move and from the visible shaking of her legs that she needed more then enough medical attention. "We will conduct more of this discussion later on." He spoke out before signalling for his people to lower the crane that hauled much of the ship's cargo to create a makeshift elevator one that allowed four of the medical staff to soon enough produce a stretcher where the pikemen to soon enough help their monarch towards the stretcher while they went on towards the crane. 

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