41 (END)

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The morning air in Busan is quite refreshing. The chirping of flying birds and the white clouds floating in the blue sky seem to be in line with Jin and Jungkook's sunny mood this morning.

Jungkook still feels comfortable burying his face in Jin's broad chest, while Jin also tightens his embrace as if he doesn't want to let go of his boyfriend forever.

"Good morning, Jinnie" Jungkook said, glancing at Jin's face who still had his eyes closed but the corners of his lips smiled hanging upwards.

"Good morning, my baby Bunny, Jungkookie"

"Are we staying here or are you taking me home?"

"I want to spend a little time here with you before we go home. Do you agree?"

"Alright, I'm just following you"

Jin kissed Jungkook's forehead who hugged him tightly again. They continue cuddling to release their longing.

After last night Jin and Jungkook mutually expressed their feelings for each other and resolved all the problems that occurred before, making their bond even stronger and now they are officially in a relationship. No contract. They will live it for life. That's the plan.

They spent the night at Jungkook's place while in Busan at the house left by Jungkook's grandmother's residence. Even though the grandmother passed away some time ago, family members can still occupy the house as a place to stop when visits Busan.

That same night Jungkook gave his resignation letter via email to the head of the coffee shop where he worked. Since the last few days he has only been a part-time worker, so it is not difficult for him to leave his job.

At the current time, towards the afternoon, they had finished packing and preparing the car to leave Busan and return home.

On their way home, they share stories with each other, especially about their respective families. Jin shared how his family chose Berlin as their permanent place of residence and why he remained in Seoul, thus driving him away from his family.

While Jungkook has a family life that is opposite to his boyfriend's. His parents divorced and prefer to live with their respective partners.

When he was little he lived with his grandmother in Busan, so actually Busan is already familiar to him. After graduating from school, he migrated to Seoul and started his job as a rental boyfriend, which made his life financially better. Even though he knows that the job sells his self-esteem, he does it to survive in the capital.

"So, you're definitely going to miss Busan. This was your home when you were little," said Jin, whose right hand gently stroked Jungkook's head, while his left hand was busy with the steering wheel of his car.

"I will miss this place, but only a little. I miss Seoul more, especially when I spent time with you there"

Jin chuckled at his lover's answer, which teased him a little.

"I'm hungry, any recommendations for your favorite restaurant here?" Jin asked.

"Yes! When I was little my grandma used to take me to that place. How about we have dinner there?"

"Sounds good. Please point the way for me".




Now both Jin and Jungkook have finished eating their dinner. It only took them a few more moments before heading back on their way home.

"As I remember before this place wasn't like this. They really changed it" Jungkook said while looking around him.

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