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Knock knock

Someone had opened Jin's bedroom door even though the owner had not yet given permission to enter. Soobin sat beside his brother who was silent in his thoughts.

Jin's face looked disheveled and his eyes were puffy. Soobin knows that his brother cries every night.

"Hyung, you have to eat" Soobin said to start the conversation.

Jin was still silent, not responding to his brother's presence at all.

"It's been a week that you haven't left your room, you also eat irregularly. Mom and Dad started to get suspicious of your attitude and they asked me"

"I just need time to be alone, before I spend the rest of my life here with all of you" Jin finally opened his words.

"So all of this is because of Dad's decision that told you to stay here? You don't want to do that, do you?"

"I have promised someone there that I will meet him as soon as possible. I will make him mine forever. But it turns out I have to leave him now"

"Hyung..." Soobin tried to hug his brother from beside him.

"---I know this is very hard. Dad is old, he chose you to be his successor because he really trusts you. You are also his oldest son so he thinks you can be relied upon to take care of mom and me"

"That's why I felt like I had no choice. I expressed my willingness to stay in Seoul but he insisted on not hearing my opinion. If I refused, it would sound like I didn't love my father and was a disobedient son. I also feel quite guilty if I don't care about my own family"

"Does someone you love know about this matter?"

Jin just shook his head in exasperation.

"Hyung, you have to talk about this well with him. Don't let this break your relationship. I know you love him so much, and so does he. You have to fight for it, hyung. I'm sure everything will be fine."

"I've talked to him but-- I didn't give him the reason. And now he hates me. I've lost him"

"You have to fight for him, hyung.."

"It's useless. This is the right way if he hates me, because I know that I can't be his. I can't be beside him. So it's better like this. Even though-- this is really hard for me too. I love him so much, Soobin"

"Hyung... I'm sad this has to happen to you"


Don't know how many bottles of alcohol Jungkook has gulped down in his throat.

"This is the last day you see me, Kim Taehyung!!! I'm not coming back to Seoul again. Hahahaha oh wait, that words sounds familiar to me— Where did I hear it? Hahaha" Jungkook said while sipping his liquor again.

"Jungkook stop! Gosh you've rambled on, I won't give you another drink. You're already drunk!" Taehyung said, at the same time he had finished his working hours, so he could focus more on his best friend who had started to lose his senses.

"I'm not drunk. I'm just-- I'm just-- aaaghhh why did you leave me? Why don't you want to go back to Seoul? Do you already have someone new there? Wow impressive"

"I don't understand what you're talking about. Let's go, now it's time for me to take you home" Taehyung said while trying to grab Jungkook's arm over his shoulder.

"No!! I don't want to!! Jin doesn't want to go home, then why should I? I don't want to go home either. Tell him to go home first, then I'll come with him. Hahaha"

Taehyung shook his head in astonishment. After hearing Jin's name to Jungkook's babble, he realized that his best friend was heartbroken.

"So, this is about Jin. What else is wrong with him? Why did he make you like this?"

"It's always about Jin. He always haunts my thoughts. He said he loves me, we love each other. He said we would be together and he would come back to see me after he finished taking care of his family in Germany. But suddenly he said he would not come back here again and you know what, Taehyungshiii? He said he doesn't love me anymore!" Jungkook suddenly sobbed because of his outpouring.

Taehyung knew that his best friend was still under the influence of alcohol, but because of that, Jungkook would speak the truth.

"You two are back in touch, why didn't you tell me??"

"Sorry, I'm just too happy because my mind is only focused on him and forget about other people, but you still my best pal" Jungkook said feeling guilty for his best friend.

"Hmphh.. fine, I understand. And about Jin, I'm sure there must be a reason behind it all, have you asked?"

"The reason? The reason is he doesn't love me anymore. Maybe he has found someone else there so there's no point in coming back here. Or am I too stupid? I'm willing to quit my job and now I'm jobless, only for the sake of pursuing his love. Now what do I get? He doesn't love me. Hahaha pathetic"

"If I could meet him, I would punch him in the face for playing with my best friend's feelings"

"Hey, no no Tae, don't ever touch him, even though he has hurt me but I don't want someone to put a wound on his pretty face" said Jungkook who suddenly started crying again while making a face with his big doe eyes.

"Errghh why do you still care about him, he just doesn't care about you"

"My mouth says I hate him, but my heart still loves him. Even though he will leave me and leave Seoul-- oh God this makes me hate this city. Should I leave this place too?" Jungkook said before he buried his face in one of his best friend's shoulders, and closed his eyes until he completely lost consciousness.


3 days later...

"Jin, are you sure about this?" Hoseok again confirmed his best friend who told him about his future plans to stay in Berlin.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure Hoseok. If I don't do this, I'll disappoint my dad forever. He's old and sickly, I don't want his condition to get worse because I'm a burden on his mind"

"But you will also lose Jungkook now..."

"I—know. I feel like a really bad person for him"

"Don't say that Jin, I'm sure if there was another choice, you would make Jungkook your priority"

Jin shed tears at the words of his best friend who recognized him so well. Surely he would never leave Jungkook if things weren't like this.

"Hoseok, can I still ask for your help?"

"Yeah, Jin. Of course. Anything."

"Please take care of Jungkook there for me. Keep me updated on him as much as possible. I want to make sure he is happy even without me"

"Well noted, I'll make sure he'll be okay"

"Thank you, Hoseok"

(("Jin hurry up, we're going to be late"))

In the middle of Jin's conversation with Hoseok, suddenly his father called him from the front door of his room.

"I have to go now, bye Hoseok" Jin ended the call.

Then after that, he went back to getting ready, and immediately went with his father to the office. This was his first day he would help his father's work.

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