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Jin returned to his apartment. He immediately threw himself onto the soft bed that was waiting for him.

The clock shows 10 at night, it feels like he wants to get some rest as soon as possible. Then he got up again getting ready to take a shower while taking off his clothes, putting them down as he pleased. Yes, his daily life is a little messy.

After finished cleaning himself, he immediately went back to bed in his shorts and t-shirt.

It was undeniable, suddenly his chaotic thoughts came again. He lamented that he had never been lucky to be loved by the woman he loved.


He said to himself.

While lost in thought suddenly his gaze glanced at the hanging coat he had previously worn. He immediately got up and went over to the coat, then took the paper that Hoseok had previously put in his pocket.

He read the brochure that had previously slapped his face. He carefully read and observed the workings of the Gimme Love Inc App while laying back down on the bed.

After he learned, he opened his phone to download the app and create an account. Fill in data such as full name, address, mobile number, gender, and other data.

After filling everything completely, he continued to the page where he could choose the person who would be his rental girlfriend or boyfriend, usually they called them Lovers.

Many choices of beautiful women to choose from. But Jin just kept scrolling his phone screen.

"Nothing interesting"

Jin continued to scroll back through his phone and looked again at some female Lovers, until he also saw some male Lovers.

His eyes were fixed and stopped at one of the male Lovers who was showing his cute face. Jin immediately clicked on the man's picture and read his profile.

"No no, I won't go this way"

He tried to throw his phone to his side, and buried his face into the pillow.

But he seemed curious, only a few minutes later, he raised his face again. He sighed and grabbed his phone again and looked at the profile of the man he had previously read.

"Should I try it?"

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Before his mind changed again, this time he immediately patented his choice. He pressed the 'Select' button for the man and immediately continued to the payment page.

He entered the number with the bill into the virtual account from the Gimme Love Inc application and just waited for the next process.

Suddenly his heart was beating fast, like he was waiting for a lottery draw. Jin isn't usually like this. Maybe it's because it's the first time he's hired a someone from an app he's not sure about, but he thought it wouldn't hurt to give it a try. Think of it as entertainment.

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