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With a sigh, Jin was amazed and thought how could Jimin be so worried about his current condition. But he would feel bad if he refused Jimin to come to his apartment, so what can he do? In the end he shared the location of his apartment with Jimin and waited for him to come.


The apartment door closed again. At around 9 pm, Jungkook just returned to his client's apartment.

It wasn't like he usually came home this late. He always comes home before it gets dark because he has to greet Jin when he comes home from work. But today, it seemed he needed some more fresh air outside. To refresh his chaotic mind.

He heard two people talking and laughing in the living room. A voice that was familiar to him.

"Oh Jungkook, you're home," said the owner of the house.

Jungkook just smiled and nodded.

"Jungkook, have you eaten? I bought you this for dinner" Jimin gave him a box of chicken rice that he bought when he headed to Jin's apartment. Even besides food for dinner, he also bought some fruits, milk, and vitamins for Jin. He just wanted Jin to get well soon.

"Have you two eaten yet?" asked Jungkook.

"Yeah, we already ate. Jin has also taken his medicine, I think he'll be sleepy soon" Jimin answered proudly as if he had taken good care of Jin today.

"Medicine? Jin, what happened? Are you sick?"

Jungkook immediately went straight to Jin with a worried face.

"I'm fine.. Maybe I'm just a bit tired"

"But your body temperature feels warm. You should rest now. I will take you to your bedroom"

Jungkook tried to hold Jin's hand while leading him to stand up. Jin didn't refuse either, he followed his rented boyfriend's orders. His feet walked into his bedroom.

While Jimin who watched the two, also walked behind them.

"Why didn't you call me? If I knew you were not feeling well, I would have come home right away" Jungkook said, grumbling a little because he was worried.

"I don't want to disturb your time"

"I'm your boyfriend, Jin. I should be the one taking care of you"

"Alright.. I'm sorry.."

Jungkook took a deep breath, it was very clear that his face was really worried about Jin.

"I will eat and take a shower. Then I'll come back here to take care of you" Jungkook said while gently stroking Jin's hair before leaving the bedroom.

Jin answered with a nod of his head, then his eyes fixed on someone who had just been standing in front of his bedroom door and then trying to open the conversation so it wouldn't be awkward.

"Jimin, thank you for taking good care of me today,"

"I'm glad I could take care of you" Jimin replied as he stepped into the room.

"I have troubled you. If only you weren't here, I think I'm still lying on the bed and not feeling better"

Hearing those words, Jimin responded with a smile. He even dared to hold Jin's hand to give encouragement.

"I don't want you to get sick, Kim Seokjin. You have to stay healthy"

"I'm sure I will recover quickly. Then I guess I'll be sleeping soon"

"Yeah, you should sleep now. And I should go home too.."

"Thank you Jimin"

Jimin smiled and nodded. He walked out of the bedroom and left Jin to rest.

Now he met again with Jungkook who was eating his dinner.

"Thank you for the food," said Jungkook who wasn't bothered at all by Jimin's presence in front of him.

"I know you're not Jin's boyfriend"

Jungkook, who was still hungry to finish his dinner, suddenly lost his appetite. He stopped chewing his food as he glanced at the person he was talking to.

"I already know everything, Jungkook. Jin already told me the truth. I guess I don't need to remind you anymore, right? Your time is running out. So I think now is the time for Jin to choose someone to replace you. Of course his real boyfriend"

Hearing Jimin's words that sounded arrogant, made Jungkook remember again the fact that soon he would have to let go of Jin for someone else.

"Yeah, I know. I'll help him find someone for him. You don't need to worry," Jungkook said casually. He just pretended to look fine and hide his jealousy.

"Good. I hope you can do a good job on this. And I think the person who deserves to be his boyfriend is... Me. You know what, I didn't expect that this afternoon he called me to come here and take care of him. I guess he needed me"

"He... he called you?"

"Yeah. He called to say that he came home early because he wasn't feeling well. He asked me to accompany him and take care of him. Of course I won't refuse and I'm also worried about his condition"

Jungkook's face suddenly turned a bit sad. Those words hurt him a bit. He just didn't expect that Jin would take action this quickly to replace his position. Despite the fact that he was only listening to Jimin's lies.

"Thank you for taking care of him when I'm not here" Jungkook said with a forced smile.

"With pleasure, that way you agree if I become your substitute? Jin himself seems to have chosen me"

Jungkook just nodded. And returned to eat the rest of his food.

"Anyway, it's getting late, I will go now. Please take good care of Jin and make sure he takes his medicine regularly"

Jimin got up from his seat and then left Jin's apartment.

By this time the guest had disappeared from Jungkook's sight, now only he was left alone in the room. He immediately cleaned up the living room which was a bit messy since Jimin and Jin spent time together there without him. After everything was done, he go to the bathroom to clean himself.

Not long after, he returned to the bedroom, while check on Jin's condition, who was currently fast asleep. Jin's body temperature was already dropping. It seems the medicine has started to work and his condition is slowly getting better.

While pulling the thick blanket over the bodies, now Jungkook lay down beside Jin to take a rest too. Today was very tiring for him. Especially for his heart and mind. Even so, he still tries to make the situation good again as before so he can continue his work well.

Slowly he moved his body closer to the person sleeping next to him. He didn't even hesitate to hug Jin tightly.

"Good night, my love. I don't want you to feel pain. Please recovery fast. I promise to take care of you for the rest of my days as your boyfriend. I promise to give you the best"

He also gave one peck on Jin's cheek before he completely closed his eyes. He hoped that the kiss he gave could lead him to a beautiful dream.

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