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Currently Jin was in a coffee shop and getting ready to enter it. After he ordered a cup of coffee and a slice of red velvet cake, he looked for an empty seat and waited for his order to be delivered by the waiter.

The reason he came to this place was because Taehyung gave him the address of this coffee shop in Busan, telling him that Jungkook was currently working there.

After a while, the waiter came to deliver his order.

"Your order, Sir-"

However, the waiter instantly froze when he saw someone in front of his who was someone he knew very well and had been in his mind all this time.



Jungkook immediately avoided Jin's gaze and tried to run away from there, but Jin quickly held his wrist.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry. But we have to talk," said Jin, who slowly let go of his hand.

"I'm working now. I have to go"

"Jungkook please, I'll wait for you until you're done. Give me a chance to tell you about what really happened"

"Why are you here? Aren't you supposed to be living overseas?" Jungkook asked while looking around him, hoping his boss wouldn't see him because he hadn't returned to the kitchen yet and was still standing busy talking to his customer.

"I'm back home, and I'm here because I want to take you back to Seoul with me"
Now Jungkook saw his boss was really watching him this time. He could not linger there long and immediately returned to work.

"My boss is watching me. Sorry I have to go back to work. And-- Busan is my home now" Jungkook said then left Jin with a cup of coffee and a plate of cake he ordered.


"Are you done?" Jin said enough to startle Jungkook who had just left the coffee shop where he worked.

He thought Jin had left there, but in fact he was still waiting for him outside until the coffee shop closed and the staff finished working.

"What do you want?" Jungkook asked curtly.

"Do you have time? This is going to be a long story"

Jungkook sighed before he finally nodded, and led to a path so they could talk together somewhere.

At this time the two of them had arrived at a park which tonight was not visited by too many people. It was already familiar to Jungkook there since he used to spend the night in that place just contemplating after coming home from work.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" Jungkook said while sitting on a park bench.

"I want to explain everything. I know it's too late, but--"

"I'll try to hear"

Jin sighed before finally telling all of his burdens to Jungkook, the person he still loves until this day.

"I'm sorry because I left you. I had to do that and I deliberately made you hate me. I lied to you when I said I didn't love you anymore. Until this second, I still love you and always will"

"That sounds like bullshit to me"

"Jungkook, what I said is completely honest. I had intended to return to Seoul after my father recovered, but it turned out that he asked me to stay in Berlin and take care of the family company there. He asked me to be his successor there, and also to take care of my brother and my mom. Maybe he's worried because he's getting old"

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