53| its only an accident

Start from the beginning

"Baby, i'm so sorry. It was a silly reason to shout" Natasha apologised, continuing to knock on the door. Y/n cried some more before slowly standing to her feet, she went to open the door but let her hand float over the handle before pushing it down and slowly letting the door open.

"I- i was looking at you, because you looked really pretty" Y/n cried into the backs of her hands, Natasha closed her eyes slowly letting a frown take over her face before bending down next to Y/n and removing her hands from her eyes and holding them in hers.

"I'm sorry for shouting, i shouldn't have and that's really sweet of you Y/n, you'll look really pretty too in your dress, but right now your only in your underwear" Natasha teased ticking Y/n's stomach, earning a wet giggle from the girl as she moved slightly to get away from Natasha's hand.

Natasha lead Y/n back over to the bed, picking up her dress and letting Y/n step into it. After the dress was on, Natasha moved Y/n over to her vanity and sat her down, starting to get her hair ready.


Finally, everyone was ready and they were all heading out the compound. They were taking a few cars, so when all that was sorted everyone was on their way. It only took around 20 minutes to get to the restaurant, so they were there quite quickly, even if Y/n was complaining about the drive the whole time.

"We're here Y/n" Natasha said pulling up into a free parking spot, Wanda and Natasha got out the car as Y/n waited, soon Natasha came over and go her out, placing her on the floor and flattening her dress a bit.

"It's a big restaurant" Y/n said quietly looking up at the building while clutching onto Natasha's arm, Wanda hummed in agreement nodding her head. The girls met the boys, Wanda went over to Vision as everyone started to enter the restaurant, Tony getting the reservation from the waitress who lead everyone over to the table.

"Sit next to you mama" Y/n tugged at Natasha's hand, Natasha nodded her head lifting Y/n onto the long black leathered bench, Y/n walked over to the end and jumped down to sit, Natasha following beside her and taking a seat.

"Colors!" Y/n cheered moving to sit on her feet and knees, reaching forward and pulling the paper towards her and taking out some crayons from the tin and starting to color in straight away, the waitress brung over some menu's for everyone and started with some drinks.

"What drink are you having baby" Natasha asked, Y/n hummed dropping her crayon and looking at Natasha who started listing out all the drinks, Y/n just got a classic fruit shoot and then went back to coloring her animals in neatly as Natasha ordered both their drinks.

The night was going excellent, all the starters had been eaten up and everyone's mains were delicious, Y/n was happy with her pizza and occasionally taking a few bites of Natasha's steak, Y/n's whole pizza was eaten and she was tiredly leaning in the side of Natasha who was finished the last of her steak.

"Who's up for desserts!" Tony asked, everyone happily agreed and looked their menus, although there was a problem that Y/n needed to go to the toilet but she also wanted a dessert and in her tiny head, she thought if she went she'd miss getting dessert.

"What's up with you" Natasha asked, nothing Y/n's squirming but Y/n shook her head and told Natasha to read the desserts out to her, she was trying her best to decide between a brownie and ice cream or a between a stack of pancakes, or wether to tell her mother she needed a wee.

But when Y/n jumped up to point to the brownie, the worst happened. Y/n's eyes widened, teared welled up in her arms as she violently started to tug on Natasha's arm causing her to hiss in pain and look over at Y/n.

"What is it? Oh- Y/n" Natasha sighed, Tony quickly called someone over whilst Natasha dried Y/n's legs with napkins and lifted Y/n out from the table, her best bet was to go home so she apologised to everyone who told her it was okay, she left some money to help pay and apologised to the staff before leaving.

"I'm sorry mama" Y/n sobbed into Natasha's shoulder harshly, Natasha hushed her gently rubbing her back and placing her into her car seat and quickly getting into her seat and driving back to the compound as fast as she could.

Natasha was sprinting upstairs with Y/n in her arms, and went straight into her bathroom, starting the shower and stripping Y/n from her dress and placing her in the shower quickly as the young girl continued to keep crying to Natasha.

"I'm sorry" Y/n sobbed rubbing her arms, she was upset that she couldn't get a dessert but she was also upset because her mother couldn't get a dessert because she was a massive baby and wet herself, Natasha tried her best to calm her down telling her it was alright.

"Y/n, it's okay. Accidents happen, everyone's okay nothing going to happen" Natasha said pulling Y/n into a towel and lifting her up, turning the water off and sitting her on the counter and cupping her cheeks and wiping the tears that were falling down her cheeks rapidly.

"But you had to leave, a-and you don't get dessert b-because i'm a baby" Y/n stuttered wiping the tears falling down her face frantically, coughing slightly from her cries and looking to Natasha with big wet eyes, who was frowning and shaking her head slightly to Y/n.

"Sweetheart, you're not a baby. It's okay, i didn't need a dessert, you haven't ruined anything, i'm sure we have brownies and ice cream here at home, don't say that" Natasha cooed lifting Y/n back into her arms and walking out the room, placing her down on her bed.

"I can promise you that no one is angry or anything like that" Natasha spoke drying her girl down with a towel and just grabbing one of her own t-shirts and placing it over her daughter before lifting her back up into her arms and rocking her gently.

Y/n nodded her head tiredly into Natasha's shoulder who opened the door and went to Y/n's room to grab a pair of underwear, slipping them on and going back to Natasha's room, sitting on the bed. Natasha whispered sweet words into her ears, waiting for her to calm down, before she fell asleep.


question. should Y/n have a sibling?

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