"Mama's got pretty eyes" Y/n said quietly rubbing her own eyes and placing both her hands either side of Natasha's face and looking deeply into her emerald green eyes, Natasha smiled pouting her lips making Y/n giggle as her baby leaned forward and gave her a kiss.

"You know, you have the same eyes as your mama" Natasha smirked sitting Y/n on the counter and copying Y/n's actions by placing both her hands on Y/n's cheeks, her girls eyes widened slightly as she jumped about asking to see them.

"We'll see upstairs darling" Natasha said before taking the bottle of milk out of the microwave, she held it in her hand due to it being hot still and picked Y/n back and, carrying her upstairs, and instead of turning to her room, she made her way down to her daughters room.

"Mama give me" Y/n cried reaching for the bottle, ever since Natasha took it out Y/n was whining for it but it was too hot to give her at the moment, Natasha bit her lip anxiously, pulling Y/n higher up on her hip as she started slipping.

"It's a bit hot right now my dear, look at your beautiful eyes" Natasha said holding Y/n in front of the mirror and opening her eyes wide, Y/n cried some more wiping her eyes and looks into the mirror, staring at herself and her green eyes.

"Like mama" She hiccuped changing from looking at herself to then looking at her mother, Y/n let out a slight smile and laugh before Natasha took her away and sat her down on the bed, she handed over bottle making Y/n squeal happily, taking it and drinking it straight away.

"Alright, jump in" Natasha said patting the mattress, Y/n mumbled and started to crawl over to the pillows and tucked her feet under the duvet and looked up at her mama waiting for her to get into the bed with her, Natasha was almost certain that Y/n didn't know that she was in her own room.

"Mama in" Y/n said patting the space beside her, Natasha took a deep breath and then shook her head softly, kneeling down beside the bed and Y/n, placing her hand over Y/n's hand and gently rubbing her thumb over her knuckle.

"Baby, remember when mama said that you need to start sleeping in your own bed? Yeah, well done, well honey, tonight you have to sleep in this room, because you're a big girl now" Natasha said, Y/n stared at Natasha for a few moments before dropping her bottle.

"No wanna stay with you" Y/n started sobbing, shooting up from her laying down position and reaching out for Natasha, before she picked her up, Natasha took the spilling bottle and placed it on the side and then took her daughter onto her lap to comfort her.

"It's okay, i'm only next door. You see that door there? Yeah, well if you open that one it goes to my room, that ones your bathroom and that one is a door to my bedroom" Natasha said pointing to the door on the right, Tony installed it for Y/n so she felt safer that she could go to Natasha without having to go into the dark hallway.

"But i wanna sleep with you" Y/n cried flapping her arms about and leaning back from Natasha's chest and sobbing her small heart out, Natasha frowned wiping all of her girls sticky hair back and placing a kiss on her forehead.

"I need you to be a big girl though and sleep in here" Natasha said pulling Y/n back to her and holding her tightly against her chest, hoping that Y/n would calm down from Natasha's heart beating.

"I don't wanna be a big girl, i wanna be your baby" Y/n sobbed, and just like Natasha felt her soul being ripped out of her, she felt awful for making Y/n sleep in here and if she could let her sleep in her bed forever then she'd do it in a heartbeat.

"And you will be my little baby, you'll always be my baby Y/n, it doesn't matter how old you are princess, you'll always, always be my baby" Natasha said blinking back her tears, Y/n cried some more into Natasha's chest before sniffling and hiccuping.

"Try tonight" Y/n mumbled sadly, pushing herself off Natasha's lap and climbing up into her bed, she threw her head against the pillow then turned to look at Natasha, wondering what to do next, Natasha smiled and scooted forward a little bit so she was closer to Y/n.

"Good girl, if you need anything come through and i won't be angry baby. Here, want your bottle" Natasha asked, Y/n nodded her head reaching out for it, she scooted herself down in bed and started to drink away as Natasha pulled up her bed sheets to her chest.

"Okay, goodnight my little baby. I love you" Natasha spoke kissing Y/n's cheek, Y/n turned her head over and looked up at Natasha, bringing her finger up and drawing down Natasha's nose and to her lips before retracting her hand and staring up at her mother.

Natasha blew her one more kiss and a wave, turning on a fun night light and then leaving the bedroom, using the door that Natasha showed her to leave the room. Y/n let out a shaky breath looking back ahead of her and trying to settle herself best she could.

After what felt like hours, Y/n decided to get out of the her bed, she'd finished her milk ages ago and hearing everyone walking about upstairs was starting to freak her out a little bit, Y/n slipped out of her bed and made her way over to that door Natasha walked out of, pushing down the handle and walking in.

Natasha was right, her room was on the other side of this door. Y/n smiled, turning around and shutting the door behind her and running to Natasha's bed, the older woman was sleeping so Y/n just crawled right in there without Natasha noticing.

Y/n lifted Natasha's arm up and slid her body right underneath it, although this action did cause Natasha to stir a little, turning on her side. Y/n let out a small giggle when Natasha started snoring ever so slightly.

"Hmm? Y/n" Natasha murmured when she felt a kick come in contact with her stomach Y/n giggles again, covering her mouth and looking up at Natasha who's face was twisting and her fingers started to rub at her eyes slightly and as hard as Y/n tried, she couldn't help but keep giggling.

"Y/n's not here, it's Ria!" Y/n joked, Natasha hummed in confusion before opening her eyes and looking down at her giggling little one who was laying on her arm, her leg over her waist and her hands clutching tightly onto her pyjama shirt.

"Why are you in here?" Natasha asked straining her neck and glancing at the clock, it was a few hours past midnight and she wondered if Y/n had kept herself up that long or if she'd just woken up, she was praying that Y/n had woken up though.

"Be a baby" Y/n said curling her knees and body into Natasha's body, Natasha cooed rubbing her hand up and down Y/n's back and giving the top of her head a kiss, both of the girls lay in silence, comforting each other in their own ways before they drifted off and fell into a comfortable sleep.


I will always, choose youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن