The End of The Forbidden Lust Series

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I’m glad I’m home.

It’s been a hard few months, but it’s okay now. There isn’t any pain, I’m not hurting, I’m ready to go.

“Hey...” Hey there, Firecracker.

Most people don’t get what I had; I had time. I got to hold all my grandchildren, tuck each of them into bed one last time. I got to laugh with my children, eat brownies on the porch with May, cry with Milo, and Jay even took me dancing... I got to have it all before I ended up here. It’s more than I could’ve dreamed of.

But... I guess if we’re talking about dreams... I just want to wake up. Just one more time. Can I have that, please? I know it’s asking too much, but... I didn’t get to say goodbye to him.


“The doctor says she has a few minutes, they turned all the machines off.” Jayce...

His warm hand cups mine, holding it as tight as he did the first time we touched. It feels like a lifetime ago now... Well, I guess it was.

Oh, what a life. I’ve come a long way, but my god, so have all of them. This sleepy little town of ours is not a place for the faint of heart.

“Mum, we’re here...” I know, Chase. I can feel you, baby boy.

“She’s not waking up.” Oh Cara, ever the pessimist, even after this world has shown her all the reasons she has to have faith.

“I love you, Lee.” No, I can’t leave him like this.

I just need to open my eyes... I just need to see him... Please...

‘I got you, girl, say goodbye to your man... Then I’m coming for you...’ Is that...

I’ve been weak for so long, but it feels like someone’s pulling me forward. A guiding hand, a leading light, dragging me out of the darkness and back into the world I was slipping from.

I’m here... They’re here...

It’s time to say goodbye.


“Lee? Can you hear me?” That name. I don’t think I was ever truly alive before he called me that.

I’ve been called so many names in my life: Aleah, Lee, Ally, Leah, Al. There was a time where I felt like I had to fit every mould, where I tried so hard to meet every expectation of me, but that ended a long time ago. I am who I am, and this life...

I did it my way.

“S-She’s waking up...” Heather, stop crying my baby girl. I’m going to be fine, and so are you. Look at you, look at everything you are now.

I’m so proud of you.

The light pierces my eyes, but it's quickly blocked out by the most enchanting, glistening sapphires.

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