Chapter 99

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“I’d hit him with one of these, then one of these, then bang him with this!” Hope does her best impression of the Karate Kid across the apartment.

“You’re gonna bang him with what? I think you’ve done enough banging for one lifetime, it’s how you got into this situation.” Shorty has to duck as Hope picks up one of Teal’s teddies and throws it at her. It’s so good to see them like this.

“Thelma! Ewww, as if I’d ever... He’s like a hundred, and a murderer! Gross! If he came near me with that thing I’d chop it off!” She’s really hyped up on those pregnancy hormones. I thought finding out that cunt came here would have her shaking with fear, but she looks like Wonder Woman ready to go into battle. I really love her for that. “We need reinforcements. Get Luna and Cara over here, strap them up. We ride at dawn!”

I might be able to take her seriously, if she wasn’t such a cute little doll of a human. She couldn’t scare the flees off a cat.

“Can you see why I needed the break from her now?” Craig huffs as he wraps mugs in newspaper and dumps them in a box. “Her mood swings are getting out of control.”

“You still pretending you don't love it?” I see the way he keeps looking at her, he’s falling fucking hard. They’re still in that stage where they’re pretending they aren’t, but he's so far gone it’s pitiful to watch.

Fuck, did I look this much of a sap around Shorty a few weeks ago?

Who am I kidding, I still do.

“I’d love it a lot more if she would just sit. I caught her scrubbing the floors at three this morning. I thought pregnancy was supposed to make you tired.” He spins around when he sees her move. “Hope! Put that down!” She had the audacity to pick up a box marked ‘pillows’. May rolls her eyes, giving me that ‘can you fucking believe him?’ look she’s been giving me all evening.

We have our own language now.

“Over protective much?” You can’t blame the guy, that's his kid in there.

It still kills me that I missed this part. I’ve seen photos of her pregnant, but can you imagine actually being there? Watching her glow, bloom, feeling Teal’s kicks and just being able to take care of her. I missed it all.

She’s incredible. I know she had her family around her, but she did so much of it on her own. I should’ve been there; buying her ice cream at stupid o’clock in the morning, feeding her seven different bags of chips because she didn’t know what flavour she wanted, rubbing her feet and holding her hand. It should’ve been me.

I’ll make it up to her, every day for the rest of our lives.

“I swear to the gods of pushing Gaston off a roof, Craig! You take one more damn box from me and I’m going to-” She cuts herself off quickly when he growls low in his chest.

“Let go.” She does. Instantly.

Damn, I’m gonna need to try that one.

“Down boy, how about we call it for tonight? It’s late.” May slots herself between them to break the sexual tension. “We still need to eat everything in the refrigerator though. I think I’ve got a few beers in there too, wanna go up to the roof?” I almost hit the wall as Hope smacks me from the path of her food. Shorty said she’s ‘Leah pregnant’ not ‘Brie pregnant’, not that I’ve got a fucking clue what that means, but I don’t comment when she grabs a bag of super hot Doritos and scoops out fruit jello with them straight from the pot.

“So goooooood.”

“Hope, that’s disgusting.” Don’t upset it while it’s eating, Craig! Have you learnt nothing?

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