Chapter 107

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I hit the floor.

But so does he.

“Farfalla!” Never in my life have I been more grateful to be called that fucking word.

The smoke from the riots clears enough for me to see them. A new round of bullets fly, Luca’s men fall, and my favourite murderous family make their appearance.

“And what kind of time do you call this?!”

“My apologies, Bellissima, I shall make it up to you... However you wish.” I love you, you sexy as fuck but incredibly idiotic lesbian. 

“Must you two do this now?!” Obviously.

Jordano wields his gun like a madman, Elba throwing shots at anything that moves. Lorenzo slices through men like butter, but Gabriele is too busy winking at me to realise someone’s about to shoot him in the fucking head!

“Gabriele!” Luckily, the little blonde next to Jordano sees him, throwing her whole body at the gunman before repeatedly stabbing her knife into his throat. Is she laughing?

Please tell me that’s his wife.

“Bellissima!” I must look like shit, Elba dragging my hair back so she can see my face. “I am sorry it took us so long, there were just so many to kill.”

“I get it, I’ve played Call of Duty. Sometimes time gets away from you... but next time get your fine ass here first!” She howls with laughter, dragging me from the wall against her chest. “Is he dead?”

“I believe...” She stutters, looking at the empty space where Luca’s body was. “Jordano! He is not here!”

Where the fuck did he go?

“Elba!” I throw her to the floor with me, a bullet from one of Luca’s followers hitting the wall right where her head was. “We need to get out of here!”

“No, Bellissima, you must go. These are the last of Luca’s men, if we can take them all out, he shall have nothing left. We have our people clearing the town of them, but you must leave.” She unzips her bulletproof vest, taking advantage of how weak I am to not fight her as she puts it on me. “Can you walk?”

“I don’t think so.”

“I can carry her.” I wasn’t sure if Ivana was still alive, I lost her in the chaos, but she leans down ready to scoop me into her arms. “Do not tell Kage, you know my hands on your body will only piss him off or turn him on.” It isn’t the time to laugh, but we both do it anyway. He’s going to lose his mind when he sees her.

“Esmerelda, whatever you plan to do to get her out of here, I suggest you do it quickly! They will not stop coming until there are none of them left!” Jordano grins at his wife. She might be small, but fuck is she scary. Full grown men descend on her and she doesn’t even blink, gripping her knife, waving them to come, before spinning in a circle and slashing all four of their throats at once.

Another one launches for her back, but he doesn’t get a hand on her. Jordano lays a bullet into his chest, but apparently it was the wrong move.

“Did you just take one of my kills?”

“You did not see him!”

“And you will not see this!” She snaps her knife against his throat. “Do you intend me to add your body to the count?”

“If you are going to, then do it now, because your punishment when we leave this place will be severe for this behaviour.” They do remember they're in the middle of a battle, right?

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