Chapter 56

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“Part two?” Who organises a two part date?

“All will become clear, gorgeous.” He winks at me, keeping me all bundled up in the blanket and carrying me back into the car. I’m not usually about chivalry, but a girl could definitely get used to this.

We take a moment just to look out at the scene. I’m glad Charlie is enough of a kinky freak to find this place, it's really special.

“So what kind of dress are you gonna wear?”

“What you talking about now?”

“When I bring you back here to do our wedding vows. You thinking big ball gown, or something a bit more stuck to that...” He looks me up and down, biting his lip. “Body.” He really needs to stop saying stuff like this!

“You really are full of yourself. You do realise even if you do ask me to marry you one day, I don’t have to say fucking yes.” It’d be fun to watch you squirm. “Besides, I doubt I’ll get to pick my dress anyway, that’s what Heather’s for.” I won’t even need to see it, she can just show it to me on the day and I know it’ll be the perfect one.

Jesus Christ, May! Stop thinking like this! You’re not getting married, ever!


“Firstly, I’m happy for Heather to dress us both everyday for the rest of our existence, girl’s got style.” Damn right she has. She gets it from her aunt. “Secondly, we both know you ain’t saying no, Shorty. With these baby blues looking up at you holding a diamond, there's only one way it’s going.” He winks at me, again. I think he’s developing a twitch.

“You get me something as boring as a diamond, and I will throw it back at you.” Do I seem like a pumpkin-spiced, basic bitch to you? Diamonds are the missionary position of the gem world.

“Okay, so what’re we looking at? Emeralds? Sapphires? One of those big giant red ones like the monkey steals in Aladdin? Because that seems impractical.” Poor Abu, little kleptomaniac just wanted himself some bling. We’ve all been there. “But if that’s what my girl wants...”

He would too. He’d give me everything.

“I don’t know, haven’t really thought about it.” Much. “I don’t want blue, that’s Leah’s thing. Don’t want black either, my soul is dark enough.” I don’t know what I want, story of my life.

I look down at my hand. I was never the kind of girl to dream about her wedding, I wasn’t even the kind to think into the future. I just assumed it would never happen for me, that I’d just be that cool aunt at the back of the ceremony who rocks a giant hat but never walks down the aisle.

Kage reaches over and takes it, slipping his fingers between mine but rubbing over right where a ring would sit.

“It’s okay, I already know what I’m gonna get you.”

“What?” Is he serious?

“Can't tell you.”

“Why not? Tell me!” He seems to enjoy getting under my skin a bit too much, smiling to himself as he turns down towards the coast.

“Can’t do that, Shorty.” Fine, I don’t care anyway, not one bit. It’s never going to happen, so why would I...

“FUCKING TELL ME!” Great, that just made him laugh more.

“Wow, you’re really desperate for that M.R.S.” No I’m not! “I mean, I’m happy to do it tonight and set the wedding for the weekend, it’s you that’s always been the commitment-phobe.” Excuse you?

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