Chapter 34

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Would you just look at her? Seriously, just look at her. I was stupid to think I could ever stay away from her.

She’s just sitting up there in the window with her sister, talking and laughing, the sun surrounding her like a fucking angel, and all I want to do is drag her back into last night.

You’re killing me, Shorty.

We keep going through the same pattern; both trying to pull away, both trying to give each other space, both knowing we shouldn’t be here yet. But every time we’re alone, it goes out the fucking window.

It’s too much. Our chemistry, the way we react to each other, the way we forget any reason we have to be giving each other time the second we can have more. It's too fucking much.

“If you keep looking at my sister like that, you're going to have to move away from me.” Milo shoves my shoulder, I didn’t realise I’d be staring at her for so long.

“Sorry... she's just...” Hypnotising, awe-inspiring, my fantasy come to life. “Distracting.”

“I see...” He wiggles his eyebrows at me, it seems to be a trend with this family. “So, you two are...”

“No. Well, not no but not... I don’t know.” It’s so fucked in my head right now.

“But it’s more than it was, right? Don’t feel the need to go into detail, that’s still my little sister.” Funny.

“Can I really talk to you about this?” I don’t want to put him in a shit position, but I need to talk to someone.

“Yeah man, of course. You’re the father of my nephew, and the guy that's going to help me build my dream car from scratch, I claim you in the name of Thompson.” I like him, and I’m starting to get over that urge to just stroke his chiselled jaw and shout ‘I want to have your babies’ whenever we talk now, so that’s helping things.

I need to talk to someone who will actually give it to me straight. Most of my mates are single, one photo of May and the only advice I’d get would be on what position to put her in. That’s if they didn’t come here to try and take her for themselves.

I’d kill them. Every fucking one.

See! That’s not the reaction someone who doesn’t know what they want should have, is it?

“So come on, what’s going on?” Milo Thompson, you’re about to become my bromance guru.

“She fucks with my head is what’s going on.” Every time I think I’ve got this figured out, something changes the game again. “When I got here, when I found out about her and Teal, of course I couldn’t focus on anything else but him. It made sense, and we both agreed, because he's the most important thing.” And he always will be. “But I’m getting this dad thing down now, so all the other stuff can't stay in the back of my head anymore.”

“And you're worried she doesn't want it?” No, I know she wants it.

The way her body reacts to me, how she has to fight off shivers every time I touch her, the way she never wants me to stop; I know she wants this.

Or at least, I hope she does.

“It’s not that. I met a girl in Italy, one that became my best friend, until she kissed me and shattered any hope of us just being that. It was so instant, I’ve never felt anything like it before, I know I never will again. But then everything got fucked, and I spent two years looking for her, only to find someone completely different when I finally held her in my arms again.” It isn’t just her name, it’s her. Having Teal, going through what she went through after she lost me, it's changed her. How could it not? Now I don’t know what was Belle, what was May, and what’s just how much she’s grown. Where do I start with that?

My Future Husband Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora