Chapter 104

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Author's Note: This is it Beauts, the final chapters of My Future Husband.

I will have an Author's Note as a separate chapter at the end, but I'm begging every single one of you to take a break and comment before you read it. This is about to be one rollercoaster like no other.

There will be one final chapter next Friday, the final chapter of The Forbidden Lust Series, because when I started writing it I could only imagine it ending one way, and with one person, (I actually had the final line of the series written way back during My Future Stepbrother) but now is not the time for that.

Now is the time to say goodbye to May...

Are you ready? I'm not 😭

I don't give trigger warnings, but I know a lot of you have been emotionally invested in this family from the start, so I just need to pre-warn you... We are about to find Westbrooke in the middle of a mafia war.

And as with all wars... there will be casualties... Lots of them, and it's going to be hard to read.

I'm sorry, but not everyone is making it out of this.

However, I promise it won't all end in pain. Loss is a part of life, and if you need to take a break after those chapters to mourn, I understand, but please come back to read the end.

Okay, now I have thoroughly traumatised you all before you even read it, let's go to say goodbye to Westbrooke... one last time.

Make sure you've got gin, chocolates, and tissues, my loves ❤️


Monroe xo 💋



You ever had the wickedest sense of déjà vu? Like you've absolutely lived this moment before?

Well let me tell you, it's a lot fucking worse when you know you have.

Here I am, yet again waking up from unconsciousness, the memory of coming to in a hotel in Italy merging with being in the basement, as I pull only to find my hands tied to the chair.


"Farfalla, you have returned." I really hated it when Jordano called me that, but if it's at all possible, I hate it when this fucker does it more. "Open your eyes, be confronted with your death."

Ew, Jafar-vibes much?

Oh I need to watch more Disney, my references are aging me. I freaking loved Encanto! Have you seen it? It's awesome, an idiots guide in how not to be a good grandmother. We don't talk about Brunoooo... Oh great, I'm going to have that stuck in my head for this entire kidnapping.

Fuck, May! Concentrate! You've been kidnapped!

"The only thing that's going to kill me is your fucking breath! Back-up, garlic boy." It seemed like a good idea to let him know right off the bat that I'm no one's bitch, until he punches me in the jaw.

Yeah, that still hurts.

"You are either stupid, or have a death wish. Either way, you shall quickly learn that I am not a man to be insulted without retribution." Beaut, you're hardly a man at all.

My jaw aches, my vision blurry. I blink, slowly adjusting to the light. Wait... I know where I am.

The familiar wooden floor, the wall of mirrors, the chairs Ms Day would beat us all with sticks about if we didn't put them back properly. I'm in the dance studio.

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