Chapter 81

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“Are you sure she’s ready for this?” She has to be, two weeks is long enough, it's time for some tough love.

I adore my sister, but I’ve never met anyone that can ignore a life altering situation like she can. It’s been a fortnight, fourteen fucking days since the barbecue from hell, and she’s still walking around like nothing happened.

Except for the fact she can’t seem to go more than forty-five minutes without using Steve like sexual counselling. The poor guy can hardly play with Teal in the yard without wincing, I think she’s chafed him.

“Just come pick us up after training, if I’m going to get her to talk, then it’ll happen before then.” Leah’s tried, Jay’s tried, even Josh and Charlie doing a tag-team did nothing. It’s my turn.

“Okay, just go easy on her, she's got a lot to get her head around.” I know she has, this isn’t easy, but pretending it isn't happening isn't going to help her. “Latty and Alicia are coming back this weekend with Mum, maybe they can do something? Like family bonding.” I don’t think that’s going to work, being her cousin hasn’t stopped Brie wanting to tear Laticia’s throat out any less. She can hold a grudge like no-one’s business.

“Coming back to visit already, huh?” I wiggle my eyebrows at him. I knew it wouldn’t take them long, Val pretty much fell in love with Granny’s, her and Liz have way too much fun ripping Coach apart, and let’s not get started on Alicia. Every time I speak to her she’s only got one thing she wants to talk about, and it's the guy she's messaging twenty-four-seven since the day she left. “You convinced them to move yet?”

“You know I can’t do that.” He pulls me from the passenger seat into his lap. “Do I want them to live here? Fuck yes, obviously, but I can’t make them.”

“But they want to, you know they do! Anniston already said Latty can take the spare room at her place until they find something, and Mama T cleared out the guest house for your mum and Alicia so they can have their own space when they stay. They fucking hate it there, and we’re all here, it just makes sense.” What is it with families and not speaking honestly to each other? It was so clear when they had to leave last week that none of them wanted to go. “Besides, I need your mum to make more of her little jars. She’s a hit with the Country Club girls, and those pasty bitches don't like to be kept waiting.”

I think Liz has plans to have Val turned into a brand by Christmas.

“I’ll talk to them when they get here.” I love how easily he gives in now, he’s learning so quick.

Although there’s really no point in fighting me on this one, I want them here, and I will have what I want. Maybe I should just knock them all over the head and give them enough amnesia they forget they ever didn’t live in Westbrooke? That could work. If we lived in a cartoon. “I’ve got to go.”

“I know.” Just as I get my lips on him, Teal runs away from Steve, banging his little fists on the side of the car to get his daddy’s attention. He’s the only person I don’t mind sharing him with. “Okay, Little Ocean, but I want her back later, deal?”

My two favourite men fighting over me.

“Oh, so you can still breathe oxygen? I thought you could only take in what comes out of Kage’s lungs at this point.” Brie moans from her front porch swing, although it's getting hard to ever be angry at her when she constantly looks this sad. “Maybe I should get shared custody of Teal, it can't be good for him to be listening to his mum and dad fucking every second of the day.”

“And you think living with you and Steve would be less traumatic? Been there, done that, can promise you it’s not.” She tries to hit me, but I kiss her head so fast she forgets she was ever mad, dropping onto the seat next to her and stealing some of her brownie. “I forgot how nice it is out here.”

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