Chapter 51

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“I am sorry, bellissima.” Elba kisses my hand again, but after four hours of crying and enough cuddles from my little ocean to soothe even the darkest soul, I’m starting to feel semi-human again.

“It’s okay, everything she said needed to be said.” Even if it’s killing me. “I appreciate you all trying, but maybe next time at least let me keep my door handle.” Milo chuckles as he wraps his arm around my shoulders, almost pulling me out of my seat to cuddle me in. “You look good behind there, maybe we could get you a job in a bar when you move down South.”

Elba smirks as she shakes her martini maker. She’s made herself quite at home at Brie’s place. I don’t really come by here much anymore, but I just needed out of the apartment.  Standing behind the bar in my sister’s shorts and Steve’s shirt, she’s the sexiest barmaid I’ve ever seen. I’d say we need to start getting her her own clothes, but she’s killing this look.

“I have always liked the idea of doing a job where I use my hands... At least to offer something other than pleasure or death. I believe this could be my calling.” She pours out her cocktail into glasses. It's barely after lunch and I’m definitely not in the headspace for a drink, but Josh takes five seconds away from smothering my son with love to steal one.

“You don’t have to pretend you’re okay if you’re not, May. It sounds like it was rough.” Milo, ever the person to not let me ignore my problems.

“I’m five by five.” He knows I’m not, but he also knows I’ll come to him when I’m ready. What I really need right now is a distraction from what a terrible person I am. “So, have you met Fiona yet? Brie said she was gonna set something up.”

“Not yet. We were set to meet this morning and discuss my stay with her, but she appears to have had an issue with her girlfriend. I believe we shall now meet at the barbeque.” Yeah, I can’t say I’m a massive fan of that woman. Fiona was single for a long time, we were all happy when she finally wanted to bring a girl home, but I’m not entirely sure about her. Bad vibes.

“You’ll get to meet my sisters too. Mam rang this morning to say they’re all coming together, but we should probably get some kind of protection for Milo when Alicia gets here. I think she’s bringing her poster collection for him to sign.” Milo laughs his head off, but we all know he's gonna love every second of it. He lives for someone fan-girling over him.

Oh that reminds me; pick up more popcorn for when Val gets here... and make sure no-one spills the beans to Liz. I want to see the legit reaction.

“Ah yes, your sisters... They are both single, no?” This girl.

Kage raises his eyebrows at her. “Single and very straight.”

“We shall see. I believe people once said this about you Milo, did they not?” She’s got a point. “Many believe themselves on the straight and narrow until they find something far more... appealing.” Josh snorts into his martini, but Milo just clinks his glass against the mafia princess’.

“Kage! Come help me with this fucking bike!” May our lord and saviour Betty White forgive me for my current thoughts. Thou shall not covet thy sister’s husband, May!

If Steve had just walked in here earlier topless and covered in oil like he is now, I wouldn’t have cried for quite so long. Fucking hell.

“Coming.” Kage has been dying to get his hands on that bike all day. Leaping up, he races for the door, only to stop dead and smirk, turning right back around and kissing my cheek. “Technically, I’m leaving you... so I’m allowed to do that. You promised.” For fucks sake.

I don’t even want to turn around, I can feel my brother’s grin and Elba’s smirk from here. You didn’t see nothing! That sexy wrestler kissing me is a figment of your imaginations!

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