Chapter 40

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“Stop laughing!”

It’s been days since the whole My Little Pony incident, and he still won't let it go.

“I’m not laughing... I’m just smiling, loudly.” If you weren’t so lovable, I’d hate you, Milo Thompson! “But ever cuddle on the sofa with Josh again, and I will rip your dick off.”

“But he's so comfortable!” I watch him heavily consider throwing his dumbbell at me. You'd think I would’ve learnt by now not to come between those two, but I love it when he gets all possessive.

I think Josh does too, if how much Milo’s still wincing when he lifts his weights is anything to go by. He did not go easy on him...

“Don’t you have enough love-life drama going on?” Of course I do, why the hell do you think I’m in the gym for the second time today?

“You don’t know the half of it.” I’ve hardly been able to see May alone for the last few days. I was as happy to have Elba turn up here as she was, but between her constantly being in the apartment and Teal having the sniffles, we haven't had a moment to talk... or do anything else.

I just want to get my hands on her. I can’t explain what it’s doing to me. Actually, it’s not even a want anymore, it's some kind of primal need.

Every time I see her, it just gets worse. I fall asleep thinking about her, wake up after dreaming about her, every damn second I’m in the same room as her I just want to throw her over my shoulder and lock us in the nearest closet!

I don’t have doubts anymore, I don't see her as the girl in Belle’s place now, because they’re the same fucking person. It was all her, that day on the beach, watching her laugh and run through the sand, that same joy in her as when we were playing basketball on an empty court in Italy, I couldn’t deny it for another second.

She is Belle.

I honestly thought once I got my head around that, we'd just fall into each other's arms, but I haven’t even had the chance to tell her.

“You want to get in there?” He points to the wrestling ring on the other side of the room.

“Fuck yes.” I need to be back between those ropes.

Josh found this place for me, it’s actually an old warehouse, but some guy he knew in college converted it. They have everything from a martial arts studio, to a fully equipped gym, to a basketball court outside. It’s nicer than any other place I’ve ever trained.

As soon as I step inside the squared circle, I’m home.

I run the ropes a few times, give myself a couple of back bumps to warm up, Milo just standing on the outside pretending he isn't desperate to re-enact Mania three with me.

“That looks like it hurts.”

“It does.” I chuckle as I land flat on my back again. “I don’t really feel them anymore, the ring I learnt to wrestle in didn't even have padding.”

“Seriously? Just the boards?” I watch that pain in his ass shoot up his back just thinking about it.

“Yep. My first trainer was brutal, he’d make you bump and bump until you threw up, but it weeded out the people who really wanted it from the posers. He died a few years back, I don’t even know what happened to the school.” I should check in, kids like me needed places like that.

“When's your next match?”

“I cancelled all the ones for this month when I found out about Teal, but next month the promotion that offered me the contract want their answer. I guess it depends on what I tell them.” I’m trying not to think about it.

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