Chapter 24

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“I’m not having this conversation with you! You’ve been fucking ridiculous since she got here! I love you, you’re my sister, but you need to let this go.” Kage is never angry, it sounds so foreign in his voice.

“I’m not being ridiculous! You’re talking about moving away again, after what we went through when you came back from Italy, and all for a fucking girl!”

“Not for a girl, for my son!” She huffs like he’s full of shit. I can see her now, her braids splitting as her head swells with frustration.

“And why can't she move here?”

“Her family is there!”

“And your family is here!” Laticia snaps back. “What makes them more important in Teal’s life than us? They’ve had him for over a year, they've had the time to bond with him, shouldn't it be our turn now?”

“She's got a point.” Alicia adds, far more calmly than her sister.

I mean... yeah, she does.

“Don't you start too.” Kage protests, his whole body vibrating the floor as he falls back against the wall. “It's not just her family, she’s got a business, she's got a life there. I couldn’t ask her to give that up.”

“If she was a decent person she’d fucking offer.” Laticia’s nails tap against the other side of the wall. “Has she? Even once? You’ve had your whole world turned upside down with this baby, and yet you're the one that's got to make all the adjustments for her? That’s not fair, Kage. She’s doing nothing and you’re doing everything.” She’s right, I never even considered offering to come here.

It might be completely selfish, but I just don’t want to. I almost lost my family once, lost my home, it’s taken me two years to build myself back up to this point. Me and Kage, it’s not like we’re a couple. Sure, if we were getting married or something then we’d have that conversation, but that's not the situation. It’s just about Teal, and he’s staying with me.

“It's not that easy.” He says, frustration clear in his voice. “If Dimitri’s dad walked back into this house right now, saying he wanted to be a part of Dimitri’s life, but you had to move for that to happen, would you?” I peak through the gap in the door, seeing his pleading eyes directed at Alicia.

“It’s different, Kage. He chose not to be a part of his son’s life, he left him with me, but you didn't. She took that choice from you. I know she had her reasons, and Mum says we don’t understand the whole story, but as far as I’m concerned... she's done fuck all to try and accommodate you. Are you this kid’s dad? Or are you just another role in his life, someone else that she can have at her disposal? From what you tell me, she’s got a lot of hands helping her... you need to see yourself as more than another pair, you have rights.” Alicia doesn’t say it with any anger, she's just genuinely concerned.

“If you think that, you don't know her.”

“Clearly neither do you.” Leticia barks.

My heart sinks down into my stomach, cradling Teal to me. I know I haven’t done much, but it was pretty fucking overwhelming for me too. I know that I was thrown back into his life, but guess what? He was thrown back into mine. I thought he was dead, I made my peace with that. I’ve lived as a single mum and I was good with it. Maybe in my head I still am, maybe that's why I haven’t let Kage in. I’m too afraid that he’ll disappear as quickly as he came back, but that hasn’t stopped me making him a part of Teal’s life, only mine.

“I’m not talking about this anymore. I love you both, but it’s my life and it’s my kid. What me and May decide to do is our decision.” Kage’s footsteps descend the staircase, disappearing into the kitchen, but his sisters don't move.

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