Epilogue Four

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“Granny, can I have another one?” This little girl is a brownie addict.

“Yes, just don't tell your Granddad.”

“Mum, I can hear you!” Shush you, grannies are supposed to spoil their grandkids... and their great grandkids.

Teal can’t say anything anyway, he treats these little ones like they’re princesses.

I did good with him. I raised a king.

“Pops! Pops! Watch!” My grandson picks his little sister up like she weighs nothing, the banshee laughing like a maniac as her brother throws her over his head onto the yard, making sure she lands on her feet perfectly. “I’ve nailed the throw, right? I’m going to be a champion too!”

“Yes you are.” Kage can’t stop smiling at them. He can never stop smiling at them. Having a house full of kids, it’s everything to him, and the family is so big now that there’s never a time where we don’t have one of them. “Be careful, and tuck your chin!”

“I think he takes after me.” Teal smirks, looking like his dad more and more every year. It’s like watching Kage grow before my eyes all over again.

“And where do you think you got it from? They’re all me.” You two keep telling yourselves that, because no matter what their last name says, these lot are all fucking Parker’s.

“Teal, when is my favourite daughter-in-law getting here? Not that I don’t love you, but-”

“You love her more. I know.” I can’t help it, she’s the daughter I never had. “She’ll be here soon.” He whispers under his breath to his dad. “Her legs weren’t working well enough to come with me earlier...”

Like I said; He is his father’s son.

I slip back inside to get more lemonade, smacking my hip back into place on the way, only to find my living room full of people that don't live here.

“Don't any of you have homes to go to? Parents wondering where you are?” When did my house become a drop-off point for every Southside waif and stray?

“Don’t make us leave, Granny! It’s boring at home!” It never stops giving me flutters hearing them all call me that. I’m Granny here now.

“Then clean up after yourselves! And take your shoes off my damn coffee table, child, before I get out my whipping stick!” All three boys drop their feet immediately.

“Granny, I’m hungry!” Bloody Thompson’s. They just won’t stop breeding, they’re fucking everywhere in this town!

“Here, eat this and don’t complain about the mushrooms. Eat them, they’re good for you.” I start plating up a bowl of pasta, but of course when one of them has it, all the rest follow, until the dish I cooked for dinner is empty. “Great.”

“I’ll help you cook more... if you want...” Oh Carter, you’re just as precious as Liam was at your age. You’re his twin.

“Thank you, sweet boy.”

It’s not hard to spot who’s are who’s with this family, they stamp their kids well. Little Maya looked so much like Leah when she was young that I considered her and Jay actually had another kid and just gave it to Heather.

“What you laughing about, Mom?” Teal asks, snuggling into me so he can sneak another brownie like I won’t notice!

“Just thinking about when Heather was pregnant.”

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