Chapter 105

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It’s a massacre.


I can do nothing but scream from my seat, the floor-to-ceiling windows on the far side of the room giving me the perfect view of the carnage.

Hannah thought he came here alone, but he didn’t, he has an entire army.

They scatter out into the streets like cockroaches, killing without discrimination. People are lost, confused by the explosion, and they're taking advantage.

Men. Women. Kids. Anyone that happens to be in their line of sight gets a bullet.

“Make them stop!” I watch a little girl the same age as Teal wail in agony as her mother lays lifeless beside her. “P-Please!” Pumpkin, be quiet... They’re going to hear you. Please be quiet.

He isn’t planning on doing this without being noticed, he’s lost his fucking mind! He wants to hurt her, and this is the worst way to hurt Elba, because she never wants anyone to die for her.

“Stop!” Tears stream down my face. There’s nothing I can do. One of his men goes barging into a small house at the bottom of the street, pulling the old woman out from inside. I know her, she used to be in Granny’s reading group, she used to feed me cookies at the book drive! Luca’s man throws her to her knees on her own front lawn, her pleas doing nothing to stop him putting the bullet in her head. “Make them s-stop!”

“They will stop when she is dead. This is her doing. It will not end until I hold her head in my hands!” He has backup plans on his backup plans. I’m here to make sure they come, he’s destroying this town to make sure they get the message of what happens if they try to turn away.

The worst part is, if the Russo’s were the evil family people assume they are, they would. They'd let him murder every single person on the Southside to protect themselves, but it’s not who they are.

The club next door gets a petrol bomb right through the front window, people run into the streets trying to pull injured children into their homes, but they just get mowed down. There's so much screaming.

“Westbrooke has one of the biggest police departments in the fucking country! You won’t get away from here!” What's taking them so long?

“You cannot truly be so naive as to believe I would allow them into this area?” He throws his head back and laughs maniacally. “Any badge that was here had their throat ripped out before you opened your eyes!” The station on this side of town is small, they killed them all. “Any other that gets within a mile will find himself with a hole in the head. No one is coming to save you.”

The Southside lives in a bubble, there’s really only two ways in and out by car. They had this organised, bombs in place, they probably blocked it off the minute they got me inside.

“How the fuck do you expect Elba to come here if you aren’t letting anyone through?!”

“Because she is already here.”

Why would she come...

The christening.

Everyone was there, everyone that wanted to be a part of Teal’s day. Of course she came back.

Oh you stupid, fucking beautiful idiot!

Everything around us is ablaze, the screaming dying down with each bullet. No one is coming to save us. Hannah will do everything she can, but look how prepared they are! The Police Department is no match for them.

We have nothing. The Southside has no one.

My head feels light and dizzy, the blood still trickling down to my ankle. It’s okay, May, this isn’t the worst way to die. In a lot of ways, this dance studio was your home. It’s where you’d come to feel free, where you watched Brie thrive and Hope bloom... it’s where you met Chad.

I never belonged on the Eastside, I’m good with dying here.

“Maybe he did not care for you as I thought. He would not...” Luca trails off, pressing himself closer to the glass. “What is happening?”

The gunshots increase, but they’re not coming from just outside anymore. I shake my head, I force myself to focus, watching tattooed body after tattooed body run into the streets and start taking out the men destroying our town.

The Serpents.

It’s the fucking Serpents!

There’s not a lot of them left anymore, and most of them have been out of the game for a while, but like fuck were they going to let this happen to us. Jackson, Diego... For all their faults, they raised their people to protect their family.

And it’s not just them.

Another shot goes off right in front of the window, a faded dripping knife tattoo on the cheek of the shooter.


They’re working together. They've come to protect us.

Hector was right; sometimes, you've just got to trust the bad guy.

“They are fighting back?” You're fucking right they are.

“Welcome to the Southside, baby.”

The studio has mirrored glass, we can see them but they can’t see us. A Serpent and a member of Poison stand back-to-back, taking out Luca’s men one by one. They’re losing people too, I think there’s snipers on the roofs, but whichever one was on top of the dance studio hits the floor with his throat slit open right in front of Luca.

That’s not a Serpent kill. That's the fucking mafia.

“They're here!” Luca yells, the rioting outside just getting louder. “Her death is mine!”

His men run to the door, ready to march out, only to be scythed down as machine gun fire shoots straight through the wood and cuts them all almost in half.

“FUCK!” It’s so loud. I scream, trying to move away. My heart is racing so fast it’s going to burst!

The bodies drop to the floor, soaking the wood in blood. Luca doesn’t give a fuck, just standing with his gun raised as the doors come flying open, but even my blood stills in my veins at who steps through.

“You?” He looks at her in disbelief.

“Me.” She smirks at him. “Belle, now!”

I’d forgotten how much I love this woman. I throw my chair back, smashing my head on the floor in the process, right before the bullets wail through the glass from the outside.

Damn it’s good to see you... Ivana.

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