Chapter 52

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“You warm, Shorty?” He rests the back of his hand against my head. “You might be getting sick, you feel hot.”

“Hot... Very hot...” My tongue is too dry to talk, and far too close to his abs... and Kage dropping some ice in a cloth and placing it to the back of my neck is not fucking helping!

“Better?” Not really, if I lean forward just an inch I could have your nipple in my mouth.

I know it’s impossible for him to actually be able to read my mind, but I swear he can anyway. His lips curl up, the ice dropped to the bar before he just replaces it with his cold hand. “Or maybe you prefer it like this?”

I definitely prefer it like this.

He’s making a mess of me, and I don’t even care, his fingertips lightly stroking over my skin as he steps in close.

Kage talks a lot, but he says so much more without words at all. His eyes dropping to my lips over and over again, like he's trying to resist thinking about them but just can't. I haven’t let him kiss me again there since this morning, I don’t think I’d be able to stop if he did, that's the power that he has.

“You need to go get that part for Steve.”

“I’m leaving... any minute now...” His breathless words hit my lips. “I just need to do something first... keep a promise.”

He knows they can all see us, and he really doesn’t care, leaning down and laying a kiss right at the corner of my mouth. It’s intimate, so fucking intimate, but still delicate enough not to put pressure on me for more. He’s doing everything he can to tell me he wants me, without making me feel that I have to give him anything back.

That just makes me want to give it to him more.

He’s giving me everything I need, but as he steps back, I know it’s not everything I want. I hate myself alright, because I know I’m being selfish again, but watching his back make it to the door all I want to do is run from this seat and keep him!

“Kage!” He stops.

“Yes, Shorty?” Stop grinning you idiot.

Do it. Just do it, May. Why can’t you just... Call it off, or make it happen, I don’t even fucking know anymore! Just do something!



You are such a fucking coward.

“Nothing, it doesn’t matter.” Yes, I want to punch me too.

“You sure?” I nod, but drop my head so I don’t have to watch him kiss our son before he walks away.

Sinking down in my seat, I try with everything I have not to look at the disappointed faces of the people next to me, until I hear the door shut.


“I know, but I don’t need the third degree from either of you, so don’t say a damn-”

“No! This is stupid!” Kage come storming back in through the door with so much ferocity Steve races in after him, but every one of them disappear from my sight as he grabs me by the jaw and rips me up from the seat right into his chest. “I get it, I really fucking do, but I swear to fucking God if I can’t kiss you soon I’m gonna blow my brains out!”

“Kage...” I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. He takes my hand, holding the back of my neck so I can’t escape, before pressing it right over his heart.

“We both clearly want to do this, be this... I know you feel this.” His racing heart pounds in perfect rhythm with mine. I can feel the power radiating off him, I can feel how much he wants me, more than anyone else ever has. It’s intoxicating.

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