Chapter 79

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Deny! When in doubt, always deny!

“I didn’t say anything.”

“Shorty...” Nope, not the eyes, you can’t do the eyes! It’s cheating!

“I really need to get back downstairs, I’ve got orders to fill and-” He's so fucking fast.

The door slams shut, my back hitting the wood and both my wrists gripped in his hand as he slams them above my head.

“You're not going anywhere.” Oh fuck. “Tell me what you were going to say.”

Never! You can’t make me!

“I have to go back downstairs! I can’t just abandon-” Annnnnnd he's kissing my neck. He knows I don’t have any control when he kisses my neck!

You aren’t playing fair, Ocean Eyes.

“Mum’s got it covered, and Heather just got here, they don't need you right now... I need you.” His firm body presses against mine, moving my wrists into each of his hands but holding them just as strongly against the door. His eyes never leave mine, and it’s hypnotising. “Now tell me.”

I can’t.

A few weeks ago I couldn’t even imagine being like this with him, being this open, but now he’s asking too much. There’s got to be a limit to how far you can ask a girl to lay her heart on the line.

“I didn’t say anything.” He leans in again to try and distract me with those lips, but I rip my hands free, slipping out from his caged hold.

What the fuck is he thinking? Does he honestly think I’ll just say that to him? Of course I love him, but it’s different for me, because I’ve always fucking loved him!

“Shorty?” I walk right across the apartment away from him, scraping my fingers through my curls and staring at the world outside. Is it this hard for all of them? Everyone else makes it look so fucking easy. “Are you pissed?”

“I’m not pissed!” Okay, maybe I’m a little pissed. “I just don’t know why you keep asking me that! It’s pretty fucking clear I don’t want to talk about it!” All his smiley, carefree attitude drops.

“Fuck... May, I’m sorry, I was just fucking around. I didn’t think-”

“You're damn right you didn't think!” Why am I so angry? I’ve been keeping this in for years, never letting how I feel about him take me over, because I knew I wouldn’t survive it, but now it's getting too hard.

It’s right there, it’s all right there, screaming at me to let it out. I’m using all the power I have to hold the door closed, but it just keeps pushing.

“Whoa, okay, I fucked up.” He’s so gentle by nature, walking up behind me and delicately tracing his fingertips down my arm. “I’m sorry. I thought you were going to say... It doesn’t matter what I thought... I just didn’t think it was a bad thing.”

“Of course you didn't think it was a bad thing.” You’re not scared of anything. You don’t have to be, you never fell in love with me.

I walk away from him, he tries to take my elbow to pull me back but I’m quicker, moving until the couch is between us.

“Shorty.” He takes one step to the left, so I take one to the right. He does it again, so I do too, a grin spreading on his face as we both slowly circle the couch. “Are you trying to run away from me? Because we both know I’ll chase you.”

“You won't catch me.”

“You wanna bet?” I already know what he’s going to do. He thinks he’s so fucking smart, but he’s never met anyone as competitive as I am.

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