Chapter 60

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Mornings are stupid. Whose idea was it to invent mornings? Because we should all group together and string them up.

The sunlight basks my face, the warmth of a new day filling the room. I turn over in the fresh sheets and... Ow! Who broke my vagina?!

Okay, I know I’m not a virgin anymore, but maybe over the last two years it grew back, because this hurts!

“Good morning, Shorty.” Of course, the moment I hear his voice, I forget what pain even is.

My Ocean Eyes.

I smile as I stretch, feeling the other side of the bed, only to find it empty. Where is he? “Over here!”

Opening my eyes, I try not to laugh at Kage standing perfectly still in the doorway, with two glasses of orange juice balancing gingerly on a tray, seconds away from falling over.

“What you doing just standing there, you weirdo?”

“Well, I had this whole plan to bring you breakfast in bed, but all I could find in their fridge was blueberries and orange juice. They don’t even have real milk!” Yeah, Josh doesn’t do milk.

Oh, I’m just realising why he’s got so many issues with breastfeeding... Funny.

“Yeah, the rainbow twins don’t cook. Milo does make a half decent pancake, but don’t believe him if he tells you they’re better than mine, because they’re not.” I taught him everything he knows. “Other than that, either Liam feeds them or they live on take out. So, are you going to bring it to me?”

“That’s the thing... I managed to make it up the stairs, but now this glass looks ready to go, and I don’t want to break another one.”

“Another one?”

“They’re so fragile!” He complains so loudly the glass begins to shake. “I barely picked it up and it just shattered in my hand! You'd think they’d have industrial strength stuff with the size of both of them!” He's got a point.

I look him up and down, tilting my head at the familiar pair of red boxer shorts.

“Are you wearing Milo’s underwear?” What’s the matter with men? Just throw them away! He’s had that pair since high school and they’re falling apart!

“I don’t have anything else here, I didn’t exactly expect to be losing mine in the ocean last night.” Well firstly; Gross. But secondly; neither did I...

He grins, but it quickly gets wiped away when he almost sends the glass toppling to the ground. “Shit, can you come get these? I really need to pee.”

This is not exactly the romantic wake up call I thought we’d be having.

“You’d be the worst waiter ever.” I joke, wrapping the sheet around me and taking the tray with one hand, only for him to kiss me on the head and go racing back out towards the bathroom like he’s just heard Batista is in there. “How long were you standing here?!”

“About twenty minutes?” What the fuck?!

“Why?” His head pops back out of the bathroom, looking far more relieved.

“You look too beautiful when you sleep, I didn’t want to wake you.” And just like that, he goes and makes it romantic again.

I throw a handful of blueberries into my mouth, when it hits me what bed I’m sitting on.

“Oh shit.”

“What's wrong?” Well firstly, it’s quite uncomfortable how good you look in my brother’s underwear. However...

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