Chapter 65

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The next hour I don’t even feel like I sit down. Finally nobody seems to be in the mood to fight, Val and Liz getting on like a house on fire as they both coo over Teal taking steps and bully Coach for everything stupid he’s ever done.

Weirdly, Laticia and Anniston haven’t shut the fuck up. I didn’t realise that she was a qualified nursery nurse, so they actually have a crap load in common. I can’t imagine the pain of only ever wanting to work with children, knowing you can't have any yourself.

“Well if you ever decide to move to Westbrooke, I can have a job for you tomorrow. We’re opening back up next week after the flood, and I’m two people short. Hint, hint! Sister!” Fiona just rolls her eyes. “How long are you staying? Maybe you could come down and check it out, see if it's your thing.”

“Don't tempt me.” I understand Laticia a lot better now than I did when we met. The more time I spend with Kage the more my heart just breaks for her.

I don’t think she wants to be anywhere near that town, a street away from her ex and his perfect family, having to watch everyone she grew up with moving forward with their life when she feels completely stagnant. What she really needs is a fresh start, but there's no way she'd ever leave her mum and sister. “We have to drive back tomorrow.”

“Leave already? You literally just got here!” I haven’t even had a chance to talk to either of them properly. “Why can’t you just crash for a few days? Between all of us you have your pick of rooms. I told you, you didn’t even need to get the hotel for tonight.”

“We could never impose on people like that, May.” Val, could you stop being so sweet for one fucking minute?

“It wouldn’t be an imposition, Valerie. If you and your daughters want to enjoy Westbrooke and being with your grandson for a few days, you're all more than welcome to stay with us.”

“Listen to Mama T, there’s no arguing with her.” I’d really love for them all to stay for a while. Kage misses them like crazy. He was away in Italy for so long, I don’t think he planned to be away from them like this again.

“Keep making food like this Val, and you can fucking move in with me.” Brie mumbles through a mouthful of Val’s dessert. She didn’t want to come empty handed, brought three different desserts and a whole selection of these jams and spreads she makes at home. “May, you could sell these things, look how fucking cute they are!”

“Honestly Val, people love shit like this.” I hold up the little jar, it’s adorable. “If I put these on the counter at Granny’s, they’d be gone. You could really make a business.”

“It’s the best thing I’ve eaten in months.” Coach immediately regrets opening his mouth, Liz drilling holes straight through his skull with her eyes, but Val just gets bright rosy cheeks from all the attention.

“I’ve been telling her this for years. She’s always wanted her own business, something where she wouldn’t have to answer to that shit boss she’s got now, she just won't listen to us.” Kage kisses his mum on the top of her head, before squeezing into the seat next to me.

We were doing pretty well at this ‘let’s not tell people we’re together yet’ thing, but then he wraps his arm under my thighs, moving me so I’m sitting right in his lap in front of everyone.

“What are you doing?”

“Feeding my addiction.” Stop it. Just stop looking at me like that. I will kiss you.

Alicia wiggles her eyebrows at me, Leah giving her a big thumbs up. She’s been training her.

“You two have certainly gotten... close, since we last saw you.”

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