Chapter 92

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“You sure you’re ready to do this, babe? You know there’s every chance this guy is full of it. It could just be another one of Nigel’s ways of fucking with you for putting him in there.” Leah uses her calmest therapist voice, but Brie still just shakes her head.

She’s here for the truth, no matter what it is.

“I want to speak to him. I’ll know if he’s bullshitting.” I hate prisons, the sterile rooms and cold metal chairs. A lot of the boys I knew are on the Southside are behind that wall...I almost ended up behind that wall.

I take one of Brie’s hands, Leah taking the other, all three of us just staring at the door Hannah disappeared through half an hour ago. She shouldn’t be doing this yet, but I know she has to. She just needs to hear it for herself.

“How's your arm?” Leah’s not in the sling anymore, but I can see it’s still hurting her.

“I’m fine, firecracker. Although me shaking like this isn’t helping. Who do I need to speak to to get the heat turned up?” She’s spent far too much time on the Eastside, me and Brie looking at each other and trying not to laugh.

“I’ll be sure to leave a word with the concierge on the way out, let them know their facilities aren’t meeting your high standards.” Bless her heart. Jay has almost fucked all the Southside out of her.

“Okay, Parkers! I get it, I’m the idiot that wants the heat turned up in a prison! Laugh all you want!” She pokes her tongue out at us. “But my nipples are so hard they could be considered a lethal weapon! Isn’t this like a human rights violat-”

“They’re bringing him in now.” Hannah cuts her off, opening the door and waving for us to come through. We’ll that just stopped being funny real fast.

I’ve been felt up by enough security guards getting in here to last me a lifetime, but it doesn't stop the one outside the room giving me the eye again. Where’s Dad when I need him?

“Are they going to let us all in?”

“I’ve negotiated with the warden, they’ll let you in Brie, and someone to support you, but if this guy tries anything they’re going to rip him straight out.” Leah and I silently agree that I’ll be the one going in with her. Leah isn't exactly the intimidating presence needed to make a man talk. “This man is dangerous, so don’t let your guards down. We’ll get in, get our questions answered, and get out, do you all understand?”

“Who is he? What’s he in for?”

“It would be easier to give you a list of the things he isn’t in for.” She rolls her eyes. Hannah has a zero tolerance policy when it comes to criminals. “He’s doing a life sentence, and I put him in here myself, so he won’t be too pleased to see my face. You two might know him, he was from your neighbourhood.” He’s a Southside boy?

Oh fuck.

“Is he a Serpent?” There’s not a lot of them left now, most of them are living regular lives outside of Westbrooke, but there’s more than a few in here. A shiver runs down my spine at the thought of being in the same room as someone that would follow Diego’s dad... that man was pure evil.

“No, he’s not a Serpent. In fact, he’s the total opposite.” She leads us into a little room next to the interview one, a large two way mirror that shows us the man handcuffed to a chair in the room. “He was the leader of their rival, Poison. His name is-”

“Hector.” All three of us say in unison.

I haven’t seen him in years, in all honesty I thought he was dead. I don’t remember him that well, just the nights he would crash on our couch after his dad would beat him near unconscious, but him and Brie were close up until he got sucked into gang life.

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