Chapter 26

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Alicia brings Teal out to me when Valerie leaves me to think, different people coming to talk to me and fuss him. Kage tries to come out a few times, but someone, a particular someone, seems to have a reason to pull him back every fucking time.

I like being outside when I can’t think, the wind and the fresh air, it’s like sitting on top of the lighthouse with Heather.

We stay until it gets too cold, the house starting to clear as night comes, Valerie taking Teal for a cuddle as I brave going back into the living room.

“There you are, I’ve been waiting for you.” Kage smiles at me, shuffling over so I can fit on the seat next to him, but the second he does he has to grip his thigh to stop it shaking, pain shooting up his leg and into his head as he clutches his hands either side of his temples. “Fuck!”

Oh shit!

I run to the seat next to him, but Sasha throws herself into it first, Laticia kneeling down in front of him and trying to tell him to breathe.

“What’s going on?”

“It’s from the operations, if he puts too much pressure a certain way, it makes his head feel like it’s going to fucking explode.” I try to get closer to him, but there’s already a crowd of people, Laticia holding his hands and Sasha massaging at the back of his neck. “It hasn’t happened since he’s been with you in that fucking town?” I shake my head, he hasn’t had so much as a headache... at least that he’s told me.

“It’s okay, just breathe.” Sasha weaves her fingers into his, and he clenches her hand, his eyes firmly shut trying to block everything out. This is my fucking fault, this is all from him getting shot.

“I’m f-fine.” He says finally, everyone stepping away to give him some room to breathe, but not the girl at his side, still holding onto his neck. “It doesn’t happen that much anymore, and it goes as quickly as it comes... Where’s May?”

“Are you sure? Maybe we should take you to get checked out, just in case?” She says with concern, twisting to check his eyes and blocking my view of him.

“I’m fine, I swear.” He shoots her that killer smile, reassuring her and making her smile back. “Thanks, but I’m good now.” He tries to move her hand, but she's not having any of it.

“You’re not fine, you're all tensed up. Don’t worry, I’m a licenced massage therapist now, I know what I’m doing. You won’t sleep if you leave it like this.” Kage scans around the room of people staring at him, Sasha still rolling her fingers all over his skin and making my heart clench, until finally his eyes land on me.

How can his smile do this? Everything has been completely fucked between us since we got here, but he just smiles at me and I forgot it all.

“I was looking for you.” I try to step closer to him, but as the crowd disperses, it gets in my way.

“I was just getting some fresh air.” To be honest, I didn’t realise I was out there this long. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I just needed to see yo-”

“Does that feel better?” She cuts him off, starting to roll her hand around onto his shoulders. Like seriously, I get you’re trying to help, but take a fucking hint.

“I told you, I’m fine, you don't need to do that.” He tries to edge away from her, but she just leans in closer.

“Don’t be silly, you need to learn to let people take care of you. You’ve been like this since you were a kid, always looking after everyone else first.” She’s not listening, his eyes are locked on mine, he's uncomfortable but he's too much of a fucking gentleman to just shove her away.

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