Chapter 4

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“Orders up!” It’s been absolute chaos here this morning, there must be a full moon or something tonight because I can feel it in the air... Something’s coming.

Oh, maybe it's sexy werewolves again... I could do with a tall glass of hot, muscled and tattooed. Where is my fuckable alpha when I need him?

“Table seven just ordered another round of blueberry pancakes.” I’m going to murder Milo for making me put that on the menu. I’m fucking amazing at them, which means no-one ever has one serving.

“Of course they did, I need their table. Liam! Take these coffees over to Table two for me.” He just looks at me with wide eyes. Dealing with other people isn’t exactly his forte, but one of my girls called in sick, which means I’m abusing the family discount. And by family discount, I mean the free slave labour that comes with everyone around me having so many fucking kids.

The poor thing shakes like a leaf as he carries the tray over, not even making it to the table before Heather snatches it out of his hands and lets him do a runner all the way over to the furthest side of the cafe. God bless that girl, I dread to think what would happen to him without her.

“Auntie May, I need ketchup.” I toss it across the room and she catches it with ease, all the pubescent little shits in the back corner drooling at the sight of her. It’s the summer holidays, don’t they have anything better to do?!

“Oi, keep your fucking hands where I can see them!” Teal just chuckles at Steve threatening my teenage customers.

“Uncle Steve! If I needed a man to protect my honour, I’d grow a dick myself! It can’t be hard, you figured it out.” This girl...

Steve raises his hands in surrender, but the minute she turns her back, he gives the boys a look that makes them all scarper.

“May, I cleared out some tables.” Cocky prick.

He makes himself comfortable on the now-empty couch, attempting to get my son to punch him and pretending to be knocked out each time. So fucking cute.

It’s never hard for me to find babysitters, in fact it's a bit of war between all of them over who gets to have him the most.

“Auntie May, it’s manic in here. If you don’t have time to go to the lighthouse later, I under-”

“Absolutely not.” I leave the pancakes sizzle and walk to take her delicate face in my hands. “I always have time for you, always. I’ll shut up early if I have to, we're going.”

She smiles at me, before shoving me straight back into the kitchen like I’m a 1940s housewife.

“Another batch of pancakes for table seven, six wants some toast, and if I don’t get a peppermint tea I’m going to kill someone. Move!” Is she my boss now? “And while you’re at it, why don’t you...” She trails off, the bell on the door going. Is that him? My future husband?

But then the look of absolute lust in her eyes tells me who it is. Definitely not my future.

Girl’s got a crush, bad.

Although it’s not hard to see why, he really has got that brooding, bad-boy vibe down to a fucking T.


Damn, he’s just come from the gym too, shirt stuck to the sweat on his chest, his new tattoos spreading up his toned arms. Heather is fucked.

As per usual, he doesn’t say a damn word, he never has to when she's behind the counter.

“Double expresso, bacon roll with no fat, and an orange-chocolate protein brownie?” Craig doesn’t smile, he barely acknowledges anyone else’s presence, but there's a tiny twitch in his lip that is enough to have Heather’s legs shaking when she gets his order right.

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