Chapter 106

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It’s the same tactic they used at the hotel when they took out the cartel. If I could cover my ears, I would. Glass splatters my body, the bullets taking out almost everyone in the room. Luca uses one of his own men like a human shield, holding him to take every bullet as he presses himself against the wall.

There’s so much smoke, the fires from outside flooding it into the room. I can hardly see anything, until Ivana is pulling my chair back up.

“Belle! You must run!”

“How the fuck are you here?!”

“A story for when we are not about to be carved like cheap sausage, yes?! Must you always be so chatty when facing certain death? Americans...” Even under these circumstances she’s hilarious.

She slices through one of the ropes, but before she can do any of the others her body is thrown across the room. She’s not a small woman, she’s got muscles for fucking days, but Luca treats her like a ragdoll.

“Ivana!” A sickening crunch echoes, her bones shattering as she hits the floor.

Fuck, no!

More of his men come running in through the smashed window, all looking at Ivana on the floor like she’s their next meal.

I think she’s done something to really piss the tall one off.

“I thought you were dead.”

“I am to be held accountable for your idiocy?” Her thick Russian accent spits bile with every word. “It would take more than that to kill me, Morte.”

“I shall not make the same mistake again.” Luca points his gun at her head. Blood runs down my hand as I try to rip it from the rope, but I can’t get out! “Send your sister my regards.”

I can’t watch. This is the woman who saved my life, twice! She got me out of Verona, she came here for whatever fucking reason, and now he's just gonna kill her on the floor like a fucking dog!

“My sister will be your torturer in hell! I will see you there.” I brace myself for the shot, but another one comes from the opposite direction.

Oh thank fuck!

Members of Poison and The Serpents flood into the room. One of them manages to catch Luca in the shoulder with a bullet, but the rest of his men throw themselves behind the pillars, bullets flying everywhere. It’s chaos, blood splattering the walls, Ivana shuffles away from them but she doesn't see the man right behind her.

“Ivana!” She looks just a second too late. Luca’s man grins at her, his finger on the trigger ready to blow, right before he hits the floor.

Oh my fucking God.

There, right at the edge of the chaos, standing at less than five-feet tall, Ms Day smashes a Russian vodka bottle over his head and knocks him out cold.

Seriously, how is this woman still alive? She’s about a hundred-and-four and she drinks vodka like fucking water!

“Ivana, get up!” Ms Day tugs Ivana to her feet, brushing the glass off her. It’s the most care I’ve ever seen her give anyone. “Tell me my disgusting nephew is dead now.”

“Do you not think that is a story for another time, Auntie!” Ummm, excuse me? Auntie! “You have spent too long in America.”

“Do not remind me.” One of Luca’s men lunges for Ms Day, but without missing a beat she plunges the shattered vodka bottle into his throat. “Italians. Always more trouble than they are worth.”

I always knew she was a badass.

“May!” I don’t recognise the voice, a boy running over and cutting straight through my ropes. “I told Tia you’re here. Your family are trying to get through but I barely made it in before they blocked everything up.” Oh fuck.

My Future Husband Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora