Chapter 30

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“Mom, you didn't have to do this.” Tears fall from Valerie’s eyes as she slips the little baby bangle onto Teal’s wrist. It’s a replica of the one she had for Kage when he was born.

“It's beautiful, Valerie. Thank you.”

“I just wanted him to have it, a little piece of us with him even when he can't be here.” She kisses his cheeks again before Kage gets him in the car. We weren't really planning on leaving this late, but I know they don’t want us to go at all.

“Why don't you guys visit soon? All of you.” Alicia slams her lips together so she doesn’t scream ‘I get to meet Milo Thompson’ at the top of her lungs. “We do these big family barbecues, I think Brie has one planned for the weekend after next. Please come?”

“Bring your own booze?”

“No, she’s got a bar.”

“Then yeah, we can do that.” Laticia grins, I think she’s warming up to me. “But if you need us before then, call, we’ll come.”

Everyone gets another round of hugs in, Valerie holding onto Kage extra tight, before she runs around to my side of the car and slips a piece of paper into my hand.

“What is it?”

“The only thing I have to give you.” Oh my God... does she mean...

I rip open the paper, scribbled down notes that will make the crowning recipe of my cafe.

“Your mac and cheese recipe! Oh my God, have I told you I love you?” She chuckles as I drag her into a bone-crunching squeeze, jumping around in the middle of the road. This means everything to me, because I know exactly how much it means to her.

We get into the car, ready to take off when Valerie almost throws herself on the hood to stop us.

“Pictures! I don’t have any pictures! Can you send me some?” I quickly go through my phone, finding all my favourite photos of Teal and sending them to her.

She smiles widely, Kage sending a few from his phone too. “These are so beautiful, but what about one of the three of you? There aren’t any family photos here?”

Well that would be because... we haven't taken any.

Kage looks throughout his camera album before he realises the same thing.

“Latty, can you get him out?” Laticia gives herself ten extra seconds of baby cuddles before giving Kage his son, right before he reaches across and wraps his arm around my hips, pulling me from my seat into his like I weigh nothing.

“What are you doing?”

“Can’t have you that far away when we look this good together.” He winks, starting to take the selfies. I can’t even look at the camera. How could I when he has those eyes?

Teal giggles, the women outside smiling and waving at him to make him smile, but the man next to me, he never looks anywhere else but at my eyes... until they drop to my lips.


Stop it. You stop that right now Kage Johnson.

“That's probably enough,” Valerie laughs, “send them to me.”

Stop looking at my lips... Just fucking take them.


“It would be a lot easier to think if you weren't so beautiful...” He drops his phone, eyes wide like saucers when he realises he actually said that out loud. Well shit.

I drag my knees up to my chest and try to hide my red face behind my hand as they say goodbye again, getting Teal into his car seat before we drive away, both trying to pretend the tension in here isn't suffocating.

My Future Husband Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin