Chapter 16

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“Fuck...” He’s right, that was a hell of a story. “Have you spoken to her?”

“To Mrs Marco? All the time, she text me when I got here, took five minutes out of her honeymoon to tell me to watch my back. She was on the phone in tears when I told her I found you.” Damn, I’ve hardly even met Marco and I’m already heavily invested in their love story.

I’ll send them a fruit basket. But actual fruit, not like the basket of vibrators covered in fruit scented lube me and Brie already have plans to send Milo and Josh on their eventual honeymoon.

“I can’t believe she did that for you. She’s incredible.” I’m glad he had them, this could’ve been a very different story without them. “Although I’ve got to say, you’re the only person I know who could get shot in the head twice and survive.”

He bursts out laughing, and so do I. It’s nice, both of us forgetting there's any tension, falling back against the couch side by side.

“Yeah, I guess I’m lucky both times they were such bad shots.”

“What do you mean?” He leans his head right the way forward, showing me the scar from his operation again, and I realise it’s not even on the back of his head, it's on the side.

“What kind of mafia member shoots someone they’re trying to kill at the side of the skull, when they’ve got them on their knees? And he was moving too, like he was looking for the right place.” Like he was looking for the...

“Luigi...” Oh fuck, it makes so much sense now! I never understood it, why he’d risk everything to save me for Antonio, but then let Jordano kill Kage. Antonio wouldn’t have wanted that, I know that much. The way he looked at me on the plane, like he was trying to tell me he did what he could. This is what he meant.


“Lorenzo, Jordano’s right hand man. He’s the one who got me free in Verona, saved me. He was the tech guy, worked on all the files, the one that Jordano had on me was thicker than Liz’s thighs.” Sexy bitch. “He would’ve done one on you too, he would’ve known you had that operation from your medical reports. He couldn’t get out of shooting you without getting a bullet in his head himself, so he shot you the only place you could survive it.” Kage’s eyes grow wide.

“Yeah... I remember he was arguing with him before he made the shot, trying to get that prick to reconsider killing me. He didn’t want to do it.” Damn it Luigi, if I didn’t think Mario would murder me, I’d fucking kiss you.

“Antonio, he thought you were dead. He said he saw your body. It was him in the crowd, not one of Jordano’s men. He’s the one that saw Sofia put the sheet over your face.” I knew he’d never lie to me, or Brie. When he went into Marco’s bakery to ask about the body, it was because he wanted to send Kage home to me.

“That was Antonio! Sofia just said it was a Russo, I never even told her that Antonio was the one flying the plane, I didn’t think it mattered because none of the family could find out I was alive anyway. She said they couldn’t be trusted.” That’s a good thing, if Sofia had gone around asking questions to the wrong people about Antonio, it could’ve gotten her killed. “So, he really got you out? And you haven’t heard from the other one since?”

“It wasn't that easy. Yeah he got me to the plane, but Jordano caught up with us there. He didn’t want to let me go, not until I pulled the trigger and tried to put a bullet in my head.”

Oh shit.

“Excuse me?!” I metaphorically punch myself, why the fuck does everything in my head just spit off my fucking tongue? Learn to control yourself, for the love of god! “You tried to kill yourself!” Kage shouts a bit louder than he should, we both spin to look at Teal but that kid would sleep through the apocalypse. “Why the fuck would you do that?”

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