Chapter 19

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Okay people, here's the plan.

What happened when me and Kage broke into the house, me all jumping up into his arms and him looking into my eyes like the whole world would stop turning if we broke contact... Yeah, that can’t happen again.

For a second, a split fucking second, I actually let myself forget. Forget the hurt I’ve caused him, forget the fact he’s told me repeatedly that he's focused on Teal, forget every reason he has not to trust me... and all it's done has made the last few days fucking insufferable.

Seriously, I think I’m actually losing my mind.

I overthink every time he touches me, my heart races each time he fucking smiles at me, and it’s Kage, so that’s every second of every fucking day! Stupid smiley idiot!

He’s always been flirtatious, he hit on our sixty-seven year old mail man yesterday to the point the grandfather of four was blushing! But now, I just can’t take it. I keep letting my heart rule my head and tell me it’s more, when it’s not. It’s just who he is.

So, I’ve decided what I need is to put some distance between us.

Unfortunately, he’s the father of my kid, and my entire town is ridiculously in love with him, so I can’t physically get rid of him. Instead, I’m just going to do it in my head.

From now on, he is no longer Kage Johnson, he’s Milo.

See? It’s an absolutely fool-proof plan! Every time I see him, I’m just going to picture him as another Milo. Like fuck would I be attracted to Milo, I’ve seen him pick fluff out of his own belly button, watched him snot-cry at Dumbo, and he’s my fucking brother! This plan is going to work.

“Hey, May, can I throw this in your washer?” Don’t pull off your shirt... Do not pull off your shirt... Stop pulling off your shirt!

Aaaand his shirt is off. Fucking brilliant.

No, it’s fine, stick with the plan.

“Yeah,” fake Milo, “throw it in.”

It’s covered in most of Teal’s supper, so for once I can’t blame him for being half naked, but now I’m looking at his chiselled back as he does the fucking dishes too.

Have you ever seen a six foot five, entirely tattooed, rippling hunk of a man do your fucking housework... without you having to ask?

“He made a mess of the floor too, I’ll run the vacuum around as soon as I’m done.” Jesus Christ have mercy.

No, May! He’s just another Milo.

A sexy as fuck... completely charming... making my fanny flutter and want to... Oh fuck, he’s not Milo, he’s becoming Steve! This won’t work at all.

“Slow down you fucking maniacs!” My sister’s voice comes from beyond my front door, only for it to swing open and the two smallest of the Thompson brood to come running in.

How the hell did she even get into the cafe? I took away her keys!

“Auntie May! Guess what? We're sleeping at your house!” I beg your fucking pardon?

Cara smiles innocently towards Kage, but that boy has been here for well over a week now, his guard is securely up. He moves to stand where she can't sneak up on him and immediately starts putting all the sharp objects into cupboards she can’t reach.

He’s so well trained already. Good doggie.

“What the hell is she talking about? I thought Jay said she was never staying here again, after that incident back in March.” I don’t want to get into it. Let's just say that my oldest brother left a thousand dollars, a new comforter, and a manual on how to make your home fire retardant, in a package on my doorstep. We haven't spoken about it again since.

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