Chapter 68

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What the fuck is going on?

“Mum?” I don’t think Tara’s in there anymore. She hasn’t blinked since she said that word. “Mum!” Milo and Dad scramble, but neither one of them is as fast as Luke, catching Mama T in his arms right before she hits the deck.

She’s shaking. I’ve never seen her shaking this much.

“No... No... No...”

“She's having a panic attack.” Everyone just watches helplessly as Luke drops to the floor with her still in his arms. He knows exactly what he’s doing, years of practise. “Breathe. Don’t forget to breathe.”

“Tara...” Dad doesn’t try to pull her away, he’s usually the first one to kill a man for putting his arms on his woman, but I’ve never seen Mama T this pale.

“Mom? What’s going on?” I’d almost completely forgotten about Valerie, still stood frozen solid, but her eyes entirely stuck on my sister. “Mom, don’t walk through that! It’s glass!”

Valerie ignores her daughter, walking straight through the broken glass without ever taking her eyes off Brie.

“It can't be... there's no way.” She leans right down to us on the floor, holding Brie’s chin and looking all over her face. “It's too much of a coincidence. It can’t be you.”

Bitch, this is Westbrooke, coincidence is what we do.

“She can't be who?” Kage kneels down next to me. “Mom, what are you talking about?”

Okay, even I’m fucking confused. Someone want to start filling in those gaps?

Everyone that was outside laughing and joking a minute ago, is now squished inside my sister’s little kitchen, but she hasn't tried to move from the floor.

“Tick... I know someone they used to call that.” Valerie shakes her head, standing back up to her feet. “It’s not possible. There must be hundreds of people nicknamed that, it's not possible.”

She tries to push her way through the crowd, but Leah jumps up off the floor and pulls her back by her arm.

“No fucking way! You don’t just get to say that and walk away! Who is he? Where is he? She has a right to know if it’s even an option!” Brie is usually the last person on the planet to need someone to speak for her, but right now, she needs her sister to be her voice.

“I... I don’t think it’s the same person.”

“Bullshit!” Tell her, Leah. “What the fuck are you hiding?”

“I’m sorry, I made a mistake.” Val can’t even convince herself, never mind us.

“It's the same person.” Mama T’s voice has never sounded so small, shaking her arms trying to fight off whatever unwelcome memories just hit her.

“How do you know?” Her and Valerie only met today, how could she possibly know they’re talking about the same person?

She looks up from the floor at Valerie, a silent conversation between them, before they turn to face someone else.

“Me? What did I do?” Kage raises his hands. “I swear, the only person I’ve ever got pregnant is her.” This is not the time to be making everyone laugh!

Besides, you’re like ten years younger than Brie! Was she conceived from the mere notion of your dick?! Get your head out of your ball-sack!

“No darling, it's not that.” Tara gives us the softest smile. “It's your eyes. You have the same eyes.”

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