Chapter 94

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“There you are! Where the fuck were you?!” Boom grabs the front of my shirt as soon as I walk into the park, dragging me towards the edge where I usually meet Anna. “Poison have driven by here three fucking times already!”

“I’m sorry! I had to dodge anyone seeing me! I figured it would take you longer to get here from Brookeside anyway! What did you do; fly?” He rolls his eyes, punching me in the shoulder before I drag him in for a hug. “We’re good, man, I didn’t see any of them on my way here.”

“That doesn't mean they're not waiting for us. You good to go? Where’s your stuff?” How is he so calm about this? I’m freaking out.

“My stuff? I ditched it! I couldn’t exactly go home and tell my foster mum I’m going on the run, but she’ll figure out quick I ain’t coming back after she speaks to Lermont.” He hasn’t got his stuff either, I look back at his car but it looks empty except for Jayce’s car seat. “What did Tara say? She can’t stay with your mum, that’s the first place they’ll look for you.”

“She's ummm...” His head whips around, he’s always been a paranoid fucker. Years of having to watch for where the next punch is coming from will do that to you. “She’s good, she gets it, but she said she’ll be fine with mum.” Is he fucking kidding?

He tries to walk back towards his car, but I grab his shoulder and spin him towards me.

“No, she won’t! You’re telling me I’ve got to leave Anna and Brie behind for their safety, then you’re just going to ditch Tara at the one house they’ll look for you? What the fuck?”

“It’s different! Anna’s from the Southside, there’s no protections here! They'd have to fight through a gated community to get to Tara.” He thinks a few rent-a-cops are going to stop Poison?! “In fact, Tara was thinking that we could go back there together, hide out for a bit. She doesn’t think the gang would come near Brookeside.”

Of course she doesn’t, because Tara is so sweet and innocent she can’t even see darkness. That’s why she fell in love with only the best parts of you.

“We can’t just go back to your place!”

“I know mum wasn't keen on you, but she’ll be cool now! I’ll explain that you want to go to school with me, maybe join the team. We can be together again just like-”

“What the fuck are you talking about?!” I push him away, only to feel cold metal under his shirt. “Are you packing?”

“I got it from one of the team, his dad left his safe open.” He pulls a nine-millimetre from the front of his pants. “I figured we’d need it.”

“I thought we weren’t doing that shit anymore!” I’ve been strapped up with heat since I was twelve, it was a way of life, I even taught Anna how to shoot, before I realised she was pregnant. I don’t want guns around my baby, so I got rid of them weeks ago. “You’re supposed to be sorting yourself out, not making it worse!”

“Can we not do this here? I know you’ve gone all moral now since you’ve been fucking that bitch, but we have to go!” What the hell is his problem with Anna? He hasn’t even met her! She’s asked, a lot, and I've begged him to meet my daughter, but he's just been weird about the whole thing.

He starts to walk away again, but something isn't right. I know my brother, I’ve known him since we were still eating crayons, and I know when he’s lying.

“What did you do to Poison?”

“This? Again? I haven’t done anything! Now come on, we need to go before they come here.”

“Back to your mum’s?”


“Where I can start going to school with you and join your stupid fucking basketball team?” He stops, his hand clenching into a fist before releasing again.

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