Chapter 29

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I drop the bag on the porch, both Valerie and Laticia running to see what the thump was as I storm across the front yard. Kage catches sight of me from the corner of his eye, stepping back from Sasha to slam his arm over my chest right before I get to claw her inflated lips off!

“You want to say that to my face, you little whore? I will go full-Southside-cunt on you!” Valerie runs to take Teal from Kage, using all his strength to hold me behind him.

“Oh my God, see! She's crazy! Kage, keep her away from me!” I slip under his arm, but he grips around my waist and pulls me back off my feet.

Just let me kill her. It’ll be funny.

“You think I’m holding her back for you? Trust me, if I didn’t think she’d have to spend the next twenty years in a prison cell if I let her go, I would!” Damn, he's really fucking sexy when he loses his shit. “Who the fuck are you to come here and talk about her like that? She’s the mother of my kid, Sash! He’s our son, not mine! Seriously Latty, what the fuck did you tell her?”

“I... I just...” Laticia stumbles over her words, I don’t think her brother gets angry at her very often, pissed off maybe, but nothing like this.

“She just told me the truth!” Sasha howls. “This bitch is trying to take you away from your family, away from everything you've ever known, and you aren't even together! She’s taking advantage of you, Kage, she knows what type of man you are and she's just going to use you until she's got everything she wants from you!” Is she fucking kidding me?

“The only person that ever fucking used him was you!” The May from a few years ago would just rip her in half, but I’ve grown, forcing myself to calm down and stand up firm, because what I really need is for them all to listen to me.

“May, she didn’t use me, she didn’t know that I-”

“Yes she did.” Kage has always given her a pass, said she didn't do anything wrong that day because she didn't know how he felt about her, but she did. She kissed him because she knew how he felt, and it made her feel good to get that ego-boost, even if it was always the plan to break his heart after. “She knew exactly how you felt about her when she kissed you.”

“Hold the fuck up!” Alicia storms out of the house, Demitri sitting on her hip. “When the fuck did you kiss him? I told you to stay the fuck away from my brother.”

“I... It was...”

“Spring break, when you left her here. She was feeling like shit and decided to do the one thing she knew would perk her up a bit; tear apart the feelings of the one person that actually gave a fuck about her.” Sasha grits her teeth, obviously she had plans to bullshit her way out of this.

I thought I was doing the right thing, until the arm Kage has wrapped around my waist starts to shake.

Oh no... he’s hurt. Really hurt.

“You knew I was in love with you when you kissed me?” Oh Kage... “You knew I was in love with you, and that you were going to go back to Tim, but you still made me feel like I had a fucking chance?” He’s not even angry, he's just the type of person that never believes the worst in anyone, the type of person that could never hurt someone the way she hurt him. It’s impossible for him to even comprehend this kind of cruelty.

“I... I...” Oh please, for the love of God have a bit of fucking class and just admit it!

But of course she doesn’t, instead doing the one thing all bitches like her do when they’re shoved into a corner; bursting into tears that are so fake they might as well have a Gucci logo on them with one fucking C.

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