Chapter 89

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Holy. Fucking. Shit.

How the hell did we all survive this?

“Shorty? You okay?” Kage looks at me like I’m about to have a PTSD panic attack, but I’m fine, it's just the fact that my sister’s house looks like a double-decker bus has driven through it that's throwing me.

“Yeah, I just didn’t realise it would be this bad.” I sound so dumb. A bomb went off in there, literally, obviously it’s a disaster zone. There's hardly anything left of the front porch we were sitting on moments before I picked up that package, the whole front wall of the living room blown to pieces. Thank fuck Steve put Teal in the other bedroom, because the one that was next to it is now mostly on the front lawn.

“Once Hannah is done with it, I’m just going to knock it down and start again. I’m not in a hurry. Living with Al means I never have to cook and my bed gets made every morning. I’m winning at life.” Brie shrugs like it’s no big deal that everything she’s built has erupted before her. “Romeo makes a pretty decent Steve-ogling replacement when he’s working out, I just need to ink him up a bit if this is going to be long term.” Can I be there when you tell Leah that?

She’s so resilient. She moved in with them as soon as she got out of the hospital, and I think Heather offering to wait on her hand and foot is even making up for the fact she has to lock her door three times at night to keep Cara from cutting her hair.

“Want me to walk you guys over to Aleah’s place?”

“No!” I jump out of the way before he can get his arms around me again. He’s a human Venus flytrap! Once he’s got you, you’re never escaping. “You need to go to training! Come on, you were supposed to have left already.”

“I told you, they understand given the circumstances that I’m-”

“What circumstances? I’m fine!” I give him a spin as proof, but all that does is remind him I have this ass. “Doc gave me the all clear yesterday, I’m good to go back to work. So you need to get your fine set of abs in that car and over to the ring. You’re going to get rusty.”

“How dare you!” He genuinely looks insulted. “I got shot in the fucking head and I still wasn’t rusty!” Self-brag much?

“Well get down to that gym and prove it then.” This isn’t about training, this is about forcing him to step back into his life. The last time he drove away from me I was almost killed, I understand his fear, but he can't protect me every minute of every day.

“Shorty... I’ll start tomorrow, okay? Like you said, doc only gave you the all clear yesterday. Probably best I stick around just in case-”

“In case what? She needs you to lick her pussy clean after she goes for a piss?!” Thanks for that unnecessary image, Sis! “She’s with me, I’ve been taking care of her since the day she was born, so fuck off and earn your place at WrestleMania so I can screw Randy Orton already.” I swear that’s the only reason she’s so keen on me marrying him. He’s just putting her one step closer to swallowing the Viper’s viper.

Kage still looks uncertain, so I do the same thing he does to me when I get doubts; I kiss him like my fucking life depends on it.

“Are you sure?”

“Positive. I won’t even be here long, Hannah just wants to go through a few things then I’ll be back at the cafe. Latty has Teal down at the day-care, I’ve got ten different people I can call that would be here in a heartbeat, so just go.”

I kiss him again before he can argue, pressing him up against the side of his car and reminding him what he’ll be giving up tonight if he pisses me off anymore, finally getting him to submit when I bite his bottom lip enough to make him moan.

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