Chapter 42

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“Brie, I cannot wear this dress! It’s so small even Teal couldn’t wear this fucking dress!” Look at this!

“Bitch, stop complaining and put the fucking dress on! You’re late as it is! Al is out without the kids for the first time in months and she's on her second martini already, she’ll be on the floor by the time you get here!” I can’t wait, drunk Leah is my favourite Leah.

I hold the tiny scrap of fabric up against my body in the mirror, there's no way my ass is fitting in this.

“I’m serious, man. You’re welcome to come out here whenever you want, tell your mom I’ll take care of you.” I pop my head around the door, Kage sitting with his back to me on video chat with Tino. Poor boy’s mum just got back from her honeymoon with her new baker-husband, so of course he’s looking for the first flight out of Italy.

“I may take you up on that, since they have come back they have been very... passionate.” Bless him, he’s been sleeping with headphones on for days.

Okay, let's figure out how to get the fuck in this thing.

When Brie said she’d buy me a dress for the party, I didn’t think she meant a napkin with shoelaces holding it together! Don’t get me wrong, a few years ago this would’ve been too much material for me, but things are different now. Having a baby changes your body, I know I don’t look like I used to, I’m okay with that most of the time, but something has me on edge tonight.

Okay, not something, someone.

He’s just so... Fucking look at him!

He’s hardly put in any effort into getting ready; jeans and a wife beater, cap on backwards, and he still looks more delicious than anything I’ve ever served in the cafe! Men have it so fucking easy!

I’m not an insecure person, confidence has never been my issue, but is it really too much to just want to even match-up to what you’re standing next to? We’re going to a gay-club, and I still know he’ll have a gang of horny women following him everywhere.

Stupid, skinny hoes who’ve never had a human poke their head out of their ho-ha! Be gone!

“Do you need help before I leave, bellissima? I would be happy to assist you.” Elba walks out of the bathroom, and I’ve never wanted to sit on her face more.

“Damn! You’re fire!” She was never free to wear what she wanted back home, but when she found out we were going to a club tonight, Brie let her raid her never-ending closet... I honestly think she just wanted to see this deity in her clothes.

“It is not too much?” God no.

“Are you kidding? If you were any hotter, my fire alarms would be going off!” Steve is going to have to pin Brie down to keep her from this Italian.

I can see every inch of her ink, her shorts cut perfectly to sculpt that ass, the fishnets and lace bra only emphasising the badass underneath. She’s a wet dream come true.

“That is quite the compliment coming from a woman of your beauty.” Stop it. I will fuck you right here. “Are you sure you do not require my assistance? That dress appears... complex.”

“There are so many holes I don’t know where to put my fucking head!” She chuckles, helping me figure out this contraption and pulling the second skin over my body. It’s nice to see her so relaxed, and healthier since I’ve been feeding her nonstop. I don’t know who I got that from...

“You shall have to remove your underwear.”

“Geez, you could at least buy me dinner first.” She bursts out laughing, but she’s right. I slip the little thong poking through the material off, before finally taking myself in in the mirror.

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