Chapter 75

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“You can't just disappear like that! I’ve been running all over this town looking for you!” Oh yeah, he’s pissed.

Let’s face it, it's not exactly unusual to see Craig with his anger at eleven, but right now I can’t even find the sexy brooding appeal in it.

I instinctively move my body between her and him. I may not be her best friend in her heart, but she’s still mine.

“You need to calm the fuck down.”

“May, this isn’t any of your business.”

“Craig! Just take one fucking second and look at her!” I get being angry, she called him hours ago and clearly he’s been going out of his mind since, but he needs to breathe. His eyes finally trickle over my shoulder, all of that aggression pouring out of him onto the floor when he sees her broken face, her quivering arms holding my son to her chest.

“What happened?” That’s better, now keep yourself on a fucking leash.

I turn back around so he can’t see me, signing just for her.

‘Do you want me to stay?’ She’s hesitant. She wants me here but she’s also afraid to admit that out loud.

‘I don’t know.’

“What don't you know?” Why does everyone around here need to know sign?! Can’t a girl get a little secret language?!

He moves around the couch, sitting on the coffee table right in front of her. “Someone want to tell me what's going on? Since when are you two besties again?”

Trust me, I wish we were.

“Hope has to tell you something, and I’m going to need you to not be Craig about it.” This isn’t the time for him to do his usual tricks of either blowing up or walking out, she needs him to listen. “Just hear her out, don't react until she's finished.”

She’s shaking so much. I know this is scary, but it’s so much more than that to her. She’s about to tell him something that will change both their lives, no matter the choice she makes.

I take Teal from her, not missing the way Craig’s eyes sparkle at the woman he adores with a baby in her arms, before I shove my boob in my Little Ocean’s mouth so he can’t interrupt this moment with his cuteness. Now is not the time.

“Hope, what's happening?” I’m not sure I can watch this. It feels like she’s standing on the tracks just waiting for the train to hit her.

“Craigie...” The word alone has his every hair standing up on end. The last time I saw them together they were ready for war, but it’s not like that now, something’s changed. “Fuck, I can’t do this.”

He rests his hands delicately on her thighs when her knees start to knock together, tears filling her eyes as she opens her mouth over and over again but the words just won't come out.

I wish I could do this for you, but I can’t. This one has to be you.

“Hope, you can tell me anything.” He means that. There’s nothing in this world she could say that would ever make him look at her differently.

“I’m...” Her tears start to fall, her hand reaching out to take mine on instinct. I squeeze it so damn tight I’m sure I’m hurting her, but she doesn't let go. “I’m pregnant.”

You did it, I’m so fucking proud of you, and look, he’s absolutely... Oh no.

“Craig?” Craig? Craig?! Hello, anybody in there? Did you understand what she just said? Baby, inside her, by you. I’m sure you remember how that happened.

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