Chapter 55

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Authors Note: Hey Beauts! Just a little note before you start ❤️

Next week my fiancé has a number of hospital appointments, it turns out the surgery may not have been the success we hoped, so I'm just letting you all know now that next week's upload will be a bit smaller than my usual ones (Maybe only a few chapters)

I know this is a free book, and I'm not required to update, but I like to pride myself on always turning up and delivering, so I just wanted you to know in advance 🥰

If it makes it easier for you all, those chapters will be THE BARBECUE 😂 So I'm sure they'll pack a punch either way 😂

But don't worry about that for now, we have a date to get to 😉

Love and cwtches

Monroe 💋 xo

P.S – My giant Forbidden Lust Series giveaway is now live on my Instagram! Three HUGE giftboxes filled with all kinds of goodies from blankets to calendars to hand written character letters! 🥰

Insta: @MonroeThirty



Can I marry him now?

“What you think, Shorty? Right back to the beginning.” It feels like a lifetime ago.

When he said he was taking us back, I honestly had a heart thumping in my ass moment when I thought he might actually try to take us back to fucking Italy! Thank the drag mothers he doesn’t have that kind of death wish, instead mixing our world from then with our life now.

“The beginning.” The night I met Kage, was the night I got on the back of a moped with a boy I’d just learnt the name of, and ended up sitting on a mountain-side like I am now, looking out at the world below.

Except I’m not staring at a little village in Italia, I’m looking at my town, the place that has become the home I never thought it could be.

“And it gets better.” I burst out laughing when he pulls out the fancy picnic basket Leah uses, only to open it and reveal a whole bunch of Big Macs. “I still know the way to your heart. There’s a whole other bag for the fries.”

I love you.

Genuinely, if I wasn’t already completely in love with you, you offering me unlimited McDonald’s is absolutely the way to do it.

It’s so typical of us, dressed up like we’re going to the Ritz, but Kage just throwing a blanket over the hood of his car before we both climb on top, eating cheap fast food and watching the world pass us by from our little slice of seclusion.

Who needs a posh fucking date anyway? Give me a hot wrestler, a Dodge Charger, and a whole host of Maccy D’s any day.

“How did you even find this? I’ve lived here my entire life, I swear that road did not exist last week.” He laughs as he tugs me in next to him. His hands always seem to be on my body lately, but do you see me complaining?

“I can’t take the credit for this one. Charlie was the one who kept telling me over and over at the club that he knew a quiet place we could be alone... One where no-one would ever find us.” Of course he did, raging fucking pervert probably knows every place in this town you can fuck in private. Or watch people fucking in private. No wonder him and Brie are besties. “But I stole these from Milo.”

My Future Husband Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ