1. confused

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The wind lightly shuffles papers inside a open brown tent. Sitting on a log she had moved inside the tent.

"Ahh... I can't find this place anywhere!" I grumpily slammed my head down on the gray fold up table. Making the pen roll off the unorganized papers.
"It's been a month now dad this dig isn't here. I'm tired I'm sore. Let's call it. send someone else in to find this God forsaken place!" I rub my head cursing that I cant control my irritability. I look at my dad whose just sitting on a blue fold up chair flipping through his book.

"You're not on your monthly are you?" My dad looks up from his book eyeing me.

"I'm not. What the hell dad."

"Well just saying."
He always comes up with something to tease me about. I love my parent's but sometimes I just want to strangle my dad's boss for sending our family on these wild goose chase's. My parent's have always been very loving and accepting of what my dreams are in life. I want to do what my dad does. He's a Archaeologist. My mom used to be a crazy culinary chef, but she quit her job to travel with my dad when I was born. We had a few places we stayed but, most the time we trekked to where a good dig was with the locals leading the way. I truly love being outdoors. Although mom thinks my biological clock is ticking. She wants me to find a place and settle. Ha! Yeah... Like that will ever happen I've only spoken to 40 plus year old men who work with my dad.

"Hey dad there's a lake around here right? I need to wash up." I grab a towel and a basket with my clothes, some shampoo, soaps, and my brush. It's getting a bit hot in this jungle at mid day. I'm so ready for a work site with a hot springs. That would be pure luck.

"Yeah let's see." My dad looks at his map and gps. "Yes its just over that hill. Do you need someone to go with you?"

"No I'm good, I'll be back after. Just going to quickly clean up. I feel sticky."

"Alright just take this with you." My dad then hands me a walkie talkie.

"Yeeep.... Late"
I start walking to the hill. The trees sort of open up to a grass field. Thank you lordy. As I reach the hill I find a clear lake right below. It looks clean thank my lucky star's. This bitch is getting a bath. The grass gets sparse as I get closer to the lake. There's black sand along the edge.

"Well that's pretty cool" i say to myself cause im crazy like that.

As I get a bit closer my foot catches something and i go head first down the hill right smash into the lukewarm water. Did I mention how clumsy I am? Well now you know.
I open my eyes to see black sand and a inch of water.

"Ground meet Senexxa, Senexxa meet ground...Ouch"
I lift myself up my front is soaked now great. I find my basket in the water everything is soaked. I put my basket on a big rock infront of me. I wash my hair up at least from the sand. My hair reminds me of my moms its a light blond. I got my dads eyes which are a crystal teal almost gray. Surprisingly i look like my grandma in every other way. Ha!

I ring my towel out and try to get a bit of my hair dry-ish.. I look around to see...

"Uh what the hell?" I wipe my eyes a bit more.
"No this is impossible! Dad!"
Around the lake looks different from the jungle I just got out of. This is insane.. I look at these tree's that are huge. Someone must have spent a lot of money on miracle grow. Just sayin. I grab my walkie talkie.

"Hey Dad?" Now fear is setting in.. Be strong Senexxa.. All i hear on the walkie is a out of range signal and static.
All the sudden I feel my hair move. It sounds like a heavy breathing. I'm to scared to look but, this is the forest where I'm on the lower part of the food chain. I swear inwardly at my stupidity from coming out here alone.
I get myself ready and I bolt the direction I came from but, nothing looks the same. I balance myself while im pulled backwards into something hard on my back. My eyes instinctively close.

"Are you alright female?"
A deep mans voice from behind me gets my attention.

I open my eyes all I see is my long hair infront of my face i look down, and arm's are around my waist snugly.
I move my hair out of the way.

"Ha... Wow you scared me. Are you one of the.." I say as im turning around my voice gets caught in my throat. I step out of his arms and take a look at him. Holy crap!
I've either died or I'm hallucinating. Either one is okay with me. The man before me is the most handsome man I've seen but, he can't be real. He has long golden hair past his butt, and red eye's. Holy crap he's tall too 6'5 around. He has no clothes...oh my god he has no clothes!!! Being the sophisticated woman I am I take only a quick peek. What? Walk naked expect peoples eyes to wonder.

"Are you here alone female?"
His deep voice is so sexy.

"I'm lost. Nothing looks the same can you tell me where I am?" Stop looking Senexxa. Oh my god I'm a pervert...

"Come with me, you shouldn't be out here alone. It's almost sunset. I have a cave." He gives a gentle smile and takes my hand. He stops and grabs my basket for me. Looking at it he gives a curious look but then pays it no mind. We stop and he lets got of my hand. He grabs a fur sack and digs in it. I look curiously on what he's doing. Pulling out a piece of red short haired fur he puts it on. Oh its a skirt. He put my basket in the sack and looks at me with a smile.

"My name is Ellious my dear. I've never seen such a beautiful female. What is your name female? What clan are you?"
He gives me a beautiful smile. Im stunned from talking. Oh gosh what do I do?

"I'm senexxa. What's a clan?"

"Hmm... Doesn't matter my dear." He picks me up bridle style and he starts walking to im guessing his cave. "Your name is beautiful Senexxa. I'll give you everything you ever wanted."

Author here hope you are enjoyed my first work lol. Tell me what you think 😉❤

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