Chapter 93 Trading Wounds for Wounds

Fortunately, most of the female prisoners are still there, and they all stay honestly in their cells.

Fu Yong asked about their situation, but these female prisoners didn't know anything, they only knew that the guards came to inform them, telling them to stay in the cell honestly all day today, and they were not allowed to go anywhere, otherwise they would bear the consequences.

Two mercenaries later found the remaining guards in a cell.

These ten or so guards are all old and weak in their forties.

The guards who were assigned to the women's prison camp were basically not young and strong. This was also to prevent bad things from happening to the guards and the female prisoners. There are also strong female guards, but very few in number.

The few guards who went to report and disappeared before were the strongest and youngest among the guards, including the few female prisoners who made trouble and went crazy, and they were also the ones with the best physical and talent among the female prisoners.

No matter how much Fu Yongjian asked the female prisoners and guards, he couldn't find out why, so he could only let these female prisoners and guards continue to be honest, and he took the remaining mercenaries into the canteen kitchen.

At this time, Fu Yong remembered the bag of asbestos ore, and he quickly distributed the ore to all the remaining mercenaries.

Fu Yong repented, he found that most of the mercenaries who are still with him are the first batch of mercenaries he distributed the ore before. They were probably given up because they were judged by the parasites to be less prone to parasitism.

The ore was distributed to mercenaries who had no ore, but two mercenaries showed strong disgust when they received the ore, and wanted to quietly throw the ore away.

Fu Yong suffered a big loss just now, and this is the time when he was most vigilant. He secretly paid attention to everyone's expressions when distributing the ore. People caught up and questioned.

As a result, the two turned their heads and ran. They ran into the cafeteria kitchen, removed a large water tank, exposed a large hole in the ground, and jumped into it.

Fu Yong was afraid that it was a trap, but he was also worried about those missing mercenaries, so he took the rest of his men to chase after him.

As a result, when they used the rope to descend, they fell into the water and were almost eaten by the monsters waiting there.

That monster has at least level 4 strength. Not only can it suck blood, but it can also suck human brains. Its tongue is sharper than an arrow, and it can penetrate the hard skulls of human beings.

Fortunately, there are not many monsters, only five.

After the initial panic, the mercenaries quickly stabilized.

Fu Yong is a high-level martial artist, and his weapons are still enchanted weapons. He took the lead in resisting the sneak attack of the two monsters, otherwise he would not be able to achieve the position of sub-station master.

The others split up to deal with the other three.

The ground is dark, and the five monsters can see things in the dark, and they can come and go freely in the cave and in the water.

The mercenaries suffered serious crimes, many were injured, two were seriously injured, and one suffered severe blood loss.

But anyway, they worked together to solve the five monsters.

The mercenaries suffered such heavy losses before they found the nest of the worm mother. Such a strong blow made Fu Yong blame himself, and made the mercenaries regret signing up for this task.

To make matters worse, two of the injured mercenaries found strange bulges growing on their bodies, and there were still things swimming in the bulges.

Lei Mu also followed the blood drop to the canteen kitchen at this time, and found the large water tank that had been removed. But the place where the blood drop disappeared was not the hole, but in the cupboard against the wall.

Lei Mu first looked at the entrance of the cave, and he vaguely heard a sound coming from the bottom of the cave.

But he still gave up the hole, stood in front of the cabinet, and stretched out his hand to open the cabinet door a crack—the blood dripped on the cabinet door.

A gust of cold wind came out of the gap.

Lei Mu smelled a little something rotten.

"Mumu, wait a moment, let's enter the worm's nest." Wang Ye pulled Lei Mu into the worm's nest.

Although using the worm nest might cause another king worm to detect it, as long as they don't get close, they are still safe for a short time, which is better than the two of them falling into the trap directly.

Wang Ye manipulated the insect nest to fly into the cabinet. The bottom plate in the cabinet was empty, and the wind came out from the gap in the bottom plate.

Beyond the floor, there is a staircase below.

Going down the stairs is a long passage with an underground river at the end of the passage and wooden piles beside the river, which shows that small boats were once docked here.

Wang Ye has a worm's nest, so he doesn't need a boat for a short time, so he goes along the underground river.

Lei Mu was responsible for pointing out the direction, only he could smell the rancid smell, Wang Ye couldn't.

In order to track the smell, the insect nest can only be invisible and cannot distort the space.

The underground river widened and forked.

Lei Mu pointed to the one on the left.

Wang Ye continued to fly along the left side.

The terrain here begins to descend significantly, with many forks and narrow gaps along the way. Without Lei Mu's guidance, they still don't know where they are going.

Wang Ye recalled the location where he came down and the road he had passed, and found that they seemed to be centered on the kitchen, making a big circle underground.

This is a spiral waterway.

At the end of the waterway, there is a small underground island.

The island is surrounded by water, and the top of the island is a large number of stalactites. The terrain of the island is uneven, and the overall appearance is dark red.

The most amazing thing is that it is not dark here, and the whole island is shining brightly.

In the middle of the island sat a woman with a big belly.

The woman's hair is so long that it almost covers the ground.

Suddenly, the woman raised her head and fixed her eyes on the nest.

Wang Ye stopped walking.

Lei Mu stared at the woman on the island: "Is that the worm mother?"

"I only know that it is indeed a mutant, and it is very powerful, at least level six, we can't beat it." Wang Ye appeared dignified for the first time look.

"Something's wrong." Lei Mu scanned the surroundings with his eye skills, "If it's the worm mother, why is it the only one? What about the other parasites? Why did we find the worm mother so easily?" "It's not easy. If it wasn't for

you Cursing the Skeleton, breaking through the maze, we will not be able to find this place so smoothly." Wang Ye said calmly.

"You mean that the smell I smell pointed us the way?"

"Yes. Look around this woman." Wang Ye raised his chin.

Lei Mu was just scanning the energy body just now, only now did he notice that the woman who was suspected of being a worm mother was surrounded by corpses.

But these corpses are weird, not like normal creatures, but more like...

"Is that a parasite?" Lei Mu murmured.

Wang Ye nodded: "Yes."

"What's going on?" Lei Mu couldn't understand.

Wang Ye was not 100% sure. He had seen similar sorcery. It seemed to be a way to use his own bloodline to strengthen himself and perform spells. The closer the bloodline, the better.

The learning and compatibility abilities of the parasites are indeed very strong. It seems that as long as they pass through the parasites, they can integrate and master any power.

The woman sitting in the middle of the island suddenly started muttering words, and the parasite corpses around her turned into powder one by one and disappeared.

Lei Mu suddenly took out the Grudge Skull: "That mutant is attacking us!"

The forehead of the Grudge Skull was cracked.

Lei Mu's eyes became dark, and he began to mobilize the power of his own demon blood, using the cursed skeleton to attack the woman on the island.

The woman's body trembled, as if she didn't expect anyone to be able to counter its spell attack.

Seeing that the woman seemed to be able to detect the location of the insect nest, Lei Mu simply came out of the insect nest and landed on the edge of the island.

Seeing Lei Mu, the woman's expression changed slightly, and she even spoke: "Are you that demon?"

"Are you the worm mother?" Lei Mu asked without answering.

The woman turned her head and looked around: "Where is the insect nest? I felt the breath of the insect nest just now. Who is manipulating the insect nest?" After Wang

Ye released the thunder wood, he manipulated the insect nest to distort the space. This method seemed to make the woman unable to Then pinpoint the location of the nest.

"What about the other parasites? Where's the king worm? Why didn't you protect you by your side?" Lei Mu asked.

The woman turned her attention to Lei Mu again: "Let's talk."

Lei Mu took a step closer to the woman: "What do you want to talk about?"

Most of the woman's face was covered by her hair, and she couldn't see her face or expression clearly, only her dark eyes: " What you demons want is the soul of a human being, and what we want is a human body, we can cooperate completely."

Lei Mu continued to take a step forward: "Oh, you know a lot. Have you heard of the demons before?"

The woman sneered: "You don't need to bother to find out our details. You just need to know that our clan and your demons are not enemies."

Lei Mu also sneered: "Cooperation? Since you know that our demons like to feed on souls, why would you Do you think we will let you go?"

The woman said confidently: "You demons never think that the souls of our clan are delicious, probably because our clan is not as complicated as humans. Cooperation is beneficial to both of us. My clan is responsible for parasitizing humans. Responsible for devouring human souls, so that our fusion speed can be faster, and you have a lot of food to worry about." "Sounds good, how do you

plan to cooperate with us?" Lei Mu was talking to the woman , while looking for opportunities to attack.

The opponent's strength is likely to reach level six, and he is only level five, so he must hit with one hit, otherwise their chances of defeating this woman will be very low.

It would be great if the mercenaries could come here at this time, but it's a pity that I don't know where those mercenaries have gone now.

Maybe the other parasites were just blocked by the mercenaries?

The woman spread her palms, "You hold this worm egg, as long as you feed it with blood, it can hatch in about seven days, after hatching it will become your arm, and at the same time it can become a contact worm between you and me. When we parasitize A large number of humans will let this communication bug notify you, and then you and your demons can devour human souls. Look, isn't this method of cooperation very simple and extremely beneficial to your demons? You almost There is no need to pay any price."

"Feed it with my blood, it won't parasitize me, right?" Lei Mu showed the suspicion of the demons.

Wang Ye was already approaching behind the woman, but at this moment, Xiao Guang flew in front of him, looked at the scene outside and said, "Yi Yi!"

Wang Ye was stunned: "You said you just felt the breath of the new bug mother? "

Xiao Guang babbled, and then flew away as if the chat was over.

Wang Ye suddenly flew up to Lei Mu, stuck to his ear and said, "I will appear, and lure it to attack me. After it attacks, you immediately use your biggest killer move." Lei Mu's eyebrows moved, and before he had time to ask,

he Seeing Wang Ye suddenly appear beside the woman.

As soon as the woman saw Wang Ye, she felt the breath of the insect nest, and it shot without hesitation. The insect nest must not fall into the hands of beings other than non-king insects!

Wang Ye's body was hit, and his whole body flew up.

Little Leaf! Lei Mu roared: " Lightning

strike! " The woman doesn't seem to be able to move, and can only sit there to defend herself from Lei Mu's attack.

Wang Ye's body fell into the water around the island and sank quickly.

Lei Mu didn't know the specific situation of Xiao Yezi, but he sensed that he was still alive, so he kept attacking the woman who seemed to be the insect mother, without any strength at all.

Wang Ye used the causal cycle to protect himself, but he was still seriously injured. The level 10 player is equivalent to the peak of the first level, and the strength of the mutant at level 6 is too different.

If he hadn't twisted the space of the worm nest at the last moment, and he retracted into the worm nest in time, he would have been injured even more seriously.

But he achieved his goal even though he was injured.

The mutant owed him his karma.

Wang Ye opened the karma volume, checked the details of the mutant, and found that the other party had indeed given birth to a new worm mother as Xiaoguang said, and one of its causal lines connected the new worm mother.

Looking at the description of this worm mother, it says that it is undergoing transformation.

Wang Ye knew about the transformation of the worm mother, he had encountered and heard it in his previous life.

The metamorphosis of the worm mother means that the young and strong worm mother has to give birth to a new worm mother in advance under certain helpless circumstances. Obviously, she should wait for death, or give her body and mental strength to the new worm mother to absorb, but she is still young and strong The worm mother is not willing to die like this. If there is a huge amount of energy around her that can be absorbed, then it will try to absorb these energies crazily in an attempt to transform.

If the transformation is successful, this worm mother may transform into a king worm, and it is an extremely powerful queen worm. It is born with the ability to command other parasites, and it is a powerful contender for the worm king.

But the worm mother is also at its weakest time before it successfully metamorphoses, which is called the metamorphosis and weakness period.

Wang Ye was injured because he could tell from the karma scroll when the worm mother entered the weakest moment.

He let Lei Mu attack the worm mother desperately, and the worm mother had no time to absorb the huge energy, and had to use a lot of energy to protect herself and fight back.

On the karma scroll, the color of the avatar representing the worm mother suddenly faded.

It's now!

Wang Ye rushed out, at the same time cast self-throwing nets and entanglement, grabbed the worm mother tightly and dragged it into the worm nest.

How could it be such a coincidence? Does the human cub see that it is in decline?

impossible! The worm mother let out a shriek. She had talked so many things about cooperating with the demons, just to delay the period of weakness, and even to cover up the period of weakness. Unexpectedly, it seemed to be spotted by the demon clan and the guy with the worm nest.

This person and one demon know too much about the parasite race, and it is too harmful to keep them alive, and they must be killed, even if... they die together.

The worm mother attacked Wang Ye with a spell: "Go to hell!"

But Wang Ye was not afraid of mental attacks, and the worm mother's powerful blow to him had no effect, and was dragged into the worm nest instead.

As soon as Wang Ye got the worm mother into the worm nest, he rushed up and used retribution against the worm mother.

【Retribution】, Desperate skill, the more serious the injury, the stronger the attack power.

The worm mother was attacked, and subconsciously used spells to fight back, but its spells fell on Wang Ye's body and fell into the pond like water droplets.

The worm mother changed her attacking tactics in time, and the long hair that covered her whole body exploded and pierced towards Wang Ye's whole body.

Lei Mu waited anxiously outside, he wanted Wang Ye to take him into the worm nest space, but Wang Ye couldn't spare him to take him in at all. And it's useless to take him in. Lei Mu used his big moves in succession just now, but now it's at the end of his strength.

"Lei Mu! Something happened to the pier!" Lian Sheng's figure appeared.

Lian Sheng knew this place, but he didn't want to come here, because there is a worm mother who can absorb ghosts, but this time the situation is extremely urgent. Xin Jialie originally wanted a ghost worm to report, but the ghost worm was protecting Xin Jialie. Being injured, Lian Sheng volunteered to report.

Fortunately, when he arrived, the worm mother disappeared. Lian Sheng was overjoyed when he felt the power of the worm mother disappear. Although he was ready to disappear, he didn't want to die in the worm mother's stomach.

"What happened to the pier?" Lei Mu suppressed his anxiety and asked.

Lian Sheng said quickly: "A group of mercenaries suddenly appeared at the pier, at least thirty or forty people. Those mercenaries snatched another ship and wanted to go to sea. Xin Jialie saw that those mercenaries were parasitized, so he wanted to Stop them. But those mercenaries are very strong and there are so many people, Xin Jialie can't stop them alone. Xin Jialie is also afraid that those mercenary mutants will hurt the ordinary islanders on another ship, so he can only retreat."

"So, those mercenaries have already left by boat?"

"Yes, when I came to report, they had seized the boat and controlled the sailors on board. They should have set off now. I'll go find and notify the other mercenaries, Go to the pier quickly, maybe you can prevent them from leaving." Lian Sheng said anxiously.

How could Lei Mu leave the side of Xiao Ye Zi who didn't know the situation, besides, he can't squeeze any energy out of him now, but Lei Mu is used to being careful, even in the face of Lian Sheng, he will not show that he is exhausted, just said: "Although I don't know the speed of that ship, but even if I rush over now, I'm afraid it's too late. And how can I stop so many mercenaries by myself?" "I'm going to find

other mercenaries to help."

"Those parasitized mercenaries Is there a sub-master in the army?"


"Then find him and let him pass the news back to the mercenary guild. They must have a way to contact the outside in time, so that someone from the outside can stop it. I still have worm mothers to deal with. When my side is over, I will hurry up Go there."

"Okay, you have to be careful here, the bug mother is not easy to deal with." Lian Sheng also knew that this was the best way, and immediately went to the sub-master.

Time flowed forward bit by bit, no matter how anxious Lei Mu was, it was useless, he could only frantically absorb the energy of the demon seed to replenish himself.

boom! Something landed on the island.

It is a small leaf.

Lei Mu immediately rushed over.

Wang Ye lay on the ground and opened his eyes, and explained briefly: "I need energy, here is it. That worm mother is fighting with me for control of the worm nest. Don't move me." Lei Mu stood by Wang Ye's side and said firmly

: "You can absorb energy with peace of mind, and I will protect you."

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