Chapter 75 The Heart of a Girl

   "People's hearts?" Lei Mu frowned, temporarily not caring about sealing himself, he had just sealed once and failed.

Wang Ye touched the heart lightly with his finger: "Identify the owner of this heart and whether the other party is still alive."

The encyclopedia gave the answer: [Girl's heart, the girl whose heart was taken is still alive. The heart loses half of the protection of the magic circle map and must be returned to its original owner within six hours, otherwise the original owner will undoubtedly die. 】

Wang Ye pretended to be the real eye, and told Lei Mu the answer of his appraisal.

Lei Mu: "Girl? How do we find it? It's only been six hours."

Wang Ye's face was sour: "I know some clues. Let's leave the prison first and find the girl."

He was very annoyed by this kind of thing, but who When he was asked to destroy the magic circle diagram on the puppet, he formed a karma with the owner of the heart. One of those magic arrays keeps the heart active.

Wang Ye roughly explained what he had watched and overheard after he came in.

"That Poisonous Wolf's own daughter? You really deserve to be called a Poisonous Wolf. A tiger's poison doesn't even eat a child. Let's go." Lei Mu only felt that this method was too cruel, and even took out a girl's heart alive and put it in the In the puppet's body, especially if it was his own daughter.

Wang Ye sneered. So what about their own daughters? The reason why scumbags are scumbags is that they only care about themselves, and there is no such thing as humanity.

The two entered the worm's nest, quickly left the prison area, and headed towards Thanksgiving Village.

The two first went to Zuo Qinsang's mud house.

Zuo Qinsang was sleeping, but his sleep was restless, and he woke up immediately when he heard the sound.

"Hush." ​​Wang Ye raised his finger, "Don't ask us questions, time is running out, tell me, is there an old man coming to the village tonight? That old man has a wife and a very beautiful little daughter." "Old

man " Zuo Qinsang turned over and sat up, his eyes showing confusion, "There are many people with wives and daughters here, and the daughters are very beautiful... Uh, the daughter of the guard Zheng Lang? Is his daughter only eleven or twelve years old? , but everyone says she is a beauty, especially with a very special temperament. But Zheng Lang is not very old, he is only in his early fifties." "Zheng Lang,

Poison Wolf, it should be him. Where does he live?"

"The family near the sea in the north of the village. Because Zheng Lang is one of the rare guards who marry a wife and have children in Thanksgiving Village, he is afraid that someone will retaliate against his wife and daughter, so he built his house far away from the village. Usually, everyone would not go there. Go away."

"Got it, you can continue to sleep, just pretend that we have never been here. We have roughly inquired about your brother's whereabouts, and we are looking for him. Let's go."

One big and one small come and go like the wind, and there is no door Open.

Zuo Qinsang sat blankly on the bed for a while, unable to fall asleep at all. Fortunately, the two had already found out about his brother's whereabouts, so he just had to wait for the news.

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